Category Archives: Pre school

Importance of Rhyming….

Please have a look at our communication board as it has some information on rhyming such as top tips pictured above and our Nursery rhyme of the week which is Hickory, Dickory Dock. Please encourage your child to use their imagination to make up rhyming words as this aids your child’s prediction skills. Awareness of Rhyming assists your child’s knowledge of words, syllables, sounds and aids their ability to read and spell at a later stage. Please point out rhyming words within books and songs as this is of great benefit to your child.

ECC Nursery Rhyme of the week

We are focusing on rhyming words still so are carrying this Nursery Rhyme forward for another week. Please have a look on the communication board or the blog for more information regarding the importance of raising your child’s awareness of Rhyming words.

ECC – Burns Supper

Tomorrow the ECC will be having a Burns supper. Children can come wearing anything tartan if they wish. Our snack will be haggis, neeps and tatties. Please note our Haggis is vegetarian.

ECC donations welcomed…

Mrs Cotton is looking for donations for the role play area. The children have asked for the role play area to become a supermarket. We are looking for donations to stock up our supermarket. Ideas would include cleaned out bottles such as fairy liquid, fabric conditioner, shampoo, conditioner, soap, sauces, milk cartons, juice bottles or any other supermarket item including food boxes/packaging. If you have any other resources suitable for our supermarket such as a till, trollies, baskets or plastic food all donations would be greatly appreciated.

Miss Clark is hoping to make up story bags and is looking for donations of things related to the  stories of goldilocks and the three bears, The hungry caterpillar, The Gruffalo  and a variety of other small teddies. We appreciate your help and support.

Information on developing your child’s speech sounds…

Please have a look at our communication corner for more information and leaflets on development of speech sounds. These are pointers on aiding your child’s overall language and communication development.

Nursery Rhyme of the week….

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Hickory Dickory Dock. Please encourage your child to make up rhyming words for each verse. Singing rhymes and developing knowledge of rhyming words raises phonological awareness for your child moving on to Primary School.

Communication Corner

Please speak to your child’s keyworker about any concerns regarding your child’s speech or communication. Have a look on the board for information regarding age and stage speech sound development. Inside the yellow button wallet are leaflets regarding speech development for your guidance. Here at Gargieston we have an appointed communication champion Miss Clark who regularly works in partnership with the SALT team attending training and network meetings to improve and support communication and language development for your child. We are a Makaton friendly environment and hope to reach being a communication friendly environment in the future.  Please have a look at the yellow button wallet and take a leaflet these have been restocked.

Communication Board update….

Our top tip of the month is make reading part of your day. I have made up another sheet that provides key information on the benefits and impact of regularly reading with your child. Please take a few moments to have a read or view our communication board in the ECC cloakroom where you will find more information on aiding your child’s communication and language skills.

Nursery Rhyme of the week…

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Little Jackie, Jack Frost and we have three Makaton signs we will learn within the song. Please feel free to try these out at home with your child. Makaton is fun for everyone and aids your child’s communication and language skills.


Anyone who didn’t receive a slip of what to wear for the nativity can come dressed in a Christmas jumper or hat if they wish.

Am performance starts at – 10.30am

Pm performance starts at – 2.15pm

You are invited to stay after the show for an after show party with your child. Rooms will be allocated on the day.

We look forward to seeing you there!