Category Archives: Parents

School Improvement Plan – Parent Forum

The school improvement plan and the journey we have been on this year will be discussed at the PTC meeting in school on Tuesday 11th June at 7pm.  Everyone is welcome to attend to find out more information and share your views.  I will also host a Parent Forum on Wednesday 12th June at 2.15pm for parents who are unable to attend the PTC.

Please register your interest below  if you would like to come along on Wednesday 12th June at 2.15pm. ( please leave a comment ONLY if attending )


Play @ home sessions

Thank you to all the parents and children who attended todays sessions.

Next week will be our last play @ home session of the year and will be based of having fun with balloons so if you would like to attend this with your child please add your name to the list on the communication board.


We have turned our home corner into a Zoo this week and are looking for some more animal costumes. If you have any you would be willing to donate this would be much appreciated.  😀

ECC Bookbug session

Our next book bug session will be on Tuesday 7th May.

If you would like to attend this with your child please add your name to the list on the communication board.

Parents Evenings – Lost Property

During parents evenings , we will have a table set out with all the lost property

that has accumulated over the last few months.


Please drop past our stall and have a look to see if you would like to re home any items !!


The table will be in the hall.

Thank you.



Nut free school reminder

We would like to remind all parents

that we are a

*nut free school*

No nuts or sweets containing nuts , including Nutella

are permitted in school.

Many thanks .

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to all of last weeks winners for having super listening ears in the nursery! 😀

P7 Transition – Science Fair

As part of P7 Transition , pupils will visit Grange academy on Wednesday 17th April to attend a science fair.

Leaving school at 9.00 am sharp .

Packed lunches only on the day please.

School uniform and waterproof jacket.

Leaving Grange at 1.30pm.

Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.

** Many thanks **



Easter Holiday Arrangements

School & ECC will close on Friday 29th march at 2.30pm.

Gatehead pupils will be collected at 2pm.


We will re open again on Monday 15th.


We will also be closed on Good Friday ( 19th ) and Easter Monday (22nd April)



★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for sharing toys outside 😀