Category Archives: Parents

Make & Taste Sessions ECC

We will be running Make & Taste Sessions starting Thursday the 7th of November for 4 weeks. In these sessions we encourage parents to come along with their child and have some fun making some healthy snacks together.

If you would like to come along, please add your name to the list in the cloakroom.  This will be on a first come first served basis as  numbers are limited to 10 spaces per session.

AM session: 9am-9.30am PM session: 1pm-1.30pm

Running Club Is Back!

Running club will start up again this week on

Wednesday 23 October.

P5s will run at 8.30am.

P6s will run at 12.30pm.

Parents are welcome to come and run with us!

Please remember to bring a bottle of water and dress appropriately for the weather.


Please enter your child’s details below if you wish them to take part.


October Holidays !

School and ECC will close at normal time on Friday 11 October.

 We will re open again for pupils on Tuesday 22 October.



★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to last weeks winners for being kind friends in nursery 😀

★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to all of last weeks Star of the Week winners for sharing toys in nursery! 😀

P1 Trip to Museum of Rural Life

P1A and P1C will visit Museum of Rural Life in East Kilbride on Wednesday  23 Oct.


P1B will visit  on Thursday 24 Oct.

Leaving school at 9.30 and returning for home time.

Pupils should wear school sweatshirt/cardigan and casual bottoms. Suitable outdoor shoes for outdoor activities and waterproof jacket.

Packed lunches can be ordered from school or you can supply a packed lunch from home – last day for orders 4 Oct.


Please visit ParentPay to give permission and pay for this outing.

Thank you.


★ Star of the Week ★

Well done to this weeks Star of the Week winners for having super listening ears in nursery 😀

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for being super sitters in nursery! 😀


Could you please check that your child has brought their own  jacket home from school?

Thank you.

Summer Trips

Primary 4s will visit Kelburn Country Park on Monday 17th June.

Primary 5s and 6s will visit Kelburn Country Park on Tuesday 18th June.

Primary 2s will visit The Scottish Maritime Museum on Wednesday 19th June.

Primary 3s will visit Eglington Country Park on Wednesday 19th June.

Primary 1s will visit Calderglen Country Park on Thursday 20th June.


Children should wear suitable clothing for playing outside and having fun. No new clothes please. Waterproof jacket and suitable footwear.