Category Archives: Parents

Parent Council

Parent Council meeting minutes 23rd January 2018

GFG meeting 14th January 2018



Basketball Heats

Well done to the basketball team who came third in the local heats. They all performed well in what was a tough competition.



P4B Assembly


P4B will be performing a small assembly based around the

topic of Global Citizenship .

Parents and carers are  welcome to come and see what the children have been learning.

Our assembly will be on Friday 9th March beginning at 10.00am.

Parents and carers should arrive no earlier than 9.50am please.

Thanks to the GFG

Everyone at the school would like to say a big thank you to the GFG for their kind donation of money to buy more handheld and headset microphones and accessories to complete our sounds system. We cannot thank you enough for your generosity to the school and to supporting and enhancing the children’s learning.                                      Mrs. McLaughland, the staff and all the pupils.

World Book Day

The ECC and base 1 and 2 will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 1st March by dressing up as their favourite book characters.

Happy reading everyone!

Thank you GFG!

We would like to say a huge thanks to our Gargieston Fundraising Group for purchasing and organising gym bags for the storage of our new football kits and for the fantastic t-shirt. We love them!


P5/6 Sheriff Court Visit

P5/6 will visit

Kilmarnock Sheriff Court

on Wednesday 28th February.


Leaving school at 1.35 sharp and walking to venue.


Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.


Parent Helpers Required !

We are looking for some extra parent helpers

to assist with walking pupils to swimming

lessons on the following Thursdays –

1, 8, 15, 22 & 29  March.


If you are available to help  , please complete the

drop down below with your details.





Date for Parents Afternoon/Evening Reminder- 28th March

As previously intimated, for our Parents Afternoon/Evening at the end of March we intend to arrange afternoon and evening appointments for parents all on the one day, Wednesday 28th March. Appointments for the Parents Afternoon/Evening, which will be advertised and arranged nearer the time in early March, will be between 3.30 – 5.00 and then from 6pm-9pm. Please put this date in your diary. Please inform the school if this date is  unsuitable for you and we will make alternative arrangements.                                                                                             Mrs. McLaughland

Fabulous Scottish Assembly

Our pupils entertained the whole school and parents with their talents at our annual Scottish Assembly.

A massive well done to all the class winners who recited their poems with great confidence today.

P1C – Alex Lambert (The Snaw Man)

P1B – Libby Ewart (Crocodile)

P1/2 – Charley Allan (Twa Legged Mice)

P2B – Tyler Strang (The Sair Finger)

P2C – Freya Ahrens (Feart)

P3A – Aaron McKinnon (A Dug a Dug)

P3B – Lyvia Kelly (My Hoggie)

P4A – Freya Lee (Wee Freenly Dug)

P4B – Louie Lindsay (To a Louse)

P5 – Isla Crawford (The Slave’s Lament)

P5/6 – Lucy McInally (Address to the Toothache)

P6 – Beth Henderson (Address to the Haggis)

P7 – Emma Dickson (Willie Wastle)

A extra well done to Louie Lindsay who was voted as our whole school winner.

A big thank you to Alistair Johnston, Aritra Acharya and Kiaran King, our P7 chanter players for adding a little Scottish touch to the entertainment.

We’d also like to thanks our comperes, Marcus Ahrens and Alistair for keeping the assembly flowing nicely.

Last but not least, thank you to our P4B pupils who performed the Virginia Reel beautifully.