All posts by Mr Smith

Virtual sports week, Day 1

Morning boys and girls, welcome to Gargieston lockdown sports week!


So to recap,

Event 1 – speed bounces – 2 feet together, jump side to side

Event 2 – dressing up – how many items of clothing in one minute?

Please email scores to

Now over to Sarah for your warm up!

Have a great day everyone!

Virtual Sports Day 2020

Usually around this time of year we’d be gearing up for our annual sports day but unfortunately due to lockdown we will miss out this year 😞. However, do not fear, in its place we are going to hold ‘Virtual Sports Day 2020’. Next week we are all going to be involved in a programme of fun sporting activities! This is a chance to work in conjunction with your schoolmates, to be as one again ( well,  🤔 actually as four because you’ll be representing your house colour 🤪). Anyway it’ll be fun and we will all be doing the same things like one big gang again 😁.

Each day you will warm up with our house captains/vice captains and then you will be given two challenges to do. You can count your scores and email them to us and we will count them all for your house. (Well, the captains and vice captains will!) We will see who is the winning house at the end of the week.

Between now and Monday your task is to look out a tshirt of your house colour and maybe you could make some banners and posters.

Children should know which house they are in but if anyone is unsure please email and I will try to find out for you.

Please take part if possible the more people who compete gives your house a better chance of winning. 🏆💪🏻

PE challenge

Target Practice
In the demonstration for this activity I was trying to do it quickly because wee Rory had to be shut out to stop him running after the balls. As a result I forgot to mention a couple of things :-
1. All throws must be taken from on your knees
2. Throws can be overhand or underhand.
3. Primaries 1, 2 and 3 should be 2 big steps away from the cups, P4 and P5 3 big steps away and P6 and 7 4 away from cups.
Remember all activities can be adapted to suit the needs of each child.
Good luck.

Health and well-being challenge

Good morning everyone, Hopefully most of you will have started filling in your food journals – if not you can start any day you wish as long as you try and do it for a whole week. Lower classes can ask their parents to help them out. Today I am posting a diagram of the eatwell plate which we have studied in class. For each food you have in your journal could you try and note which category it comes under. You could do this by underlining or writing in the appropriate colour as shown on the plate. How many can you get without checking the guide? Again pupils in lower classes will need some assistance from parents. How many of your 5 a day are you eating?

Once the school restarts we will be doing athletics and fitness in PE so could you please continue with your jumps and workouts. Thanks again, Mr Smith

PE and Healthy challenge

Good morning girls and boys! Today’s activity is the standing vertical jump. How high can you jump? Try to beat your own record each day. You might want to leave chalk marks on the wall ( outside wall) to record your attempts. Remember to repeat all activities as often as possible and keep up doing your workouts. Stay strong, Mr Smith.

As part of our health and well-being program could you please complete this food journal to check your diet. Some classes have done this previously but it’s worth repeating during lockdown. We will do some work based on this as the weeks go on. Thanks , Mr Smith.




Daily PE challenge

Hi all,
It’s Mr Smith again. Today I’d like the primaries 1-3 to practise their standing long jump and primaries 4-7 to practise their standing triple jump. See cards below.
Remember to keep practising previous activities and workouts.

Hope you are all well,

Mr Smith

Daily PE challenge

Today’s challenge is called ‘Socks in a Box’. One of my chores at home is to pair all the socks after they have been washed. It’s a terrible job, especially when there are lots of odd socks and ones which are similar but not quite the same. I cover the whole floor with them and just when I’m getting started Rory bounds in and rolls all over them before stealing some and running away looking for a chase!
I’m quite sure your parents will be glad as this challenge involves YOU pairing them! Good luck and stay safe,
Mr Smith