All posts by Alesha

P2A plastic

P2A came to assembly to speak about their class topic and told us about the importance of recycling! They have asked everyone to save their crisp packets which can be made into a blanket to keep people warm.

P1-3 Wider achievements

So many wider achievements this is amazing to see what people get up to out of school!

P4-7 superstars and handwriting heroes


Wow so so many superstars and handwriting heroes well done everyone!!!


P1-3 superstars and handwriting heroes

Well done all of our p1-3 superstars and handwriting heroes !

Gargieston’s athletes

Well done to the people from p6 and 7 athletes they came 6th place!

Ruby Blackwood

Well done Ruby who donated her hair to the princess trust!

Well done to our handwriting awards p4-7 !

Well done everyone from  p4-7

Exciting news! Gold RRS Award

Our banner has just arrived in the mail. How exciting!

P1-3 Super Stars, Handwriting Heroes and Wider Achievement Awards

Well done everyone – we are all very proud.

Have a amazing week!

P4-7 Superstars and Handwriting Heroes

Well done all you did a super job. Have an amazing week!