Thank you is enough…………

Christmas is fast approaching and this year more than ever, we are aware of the financial effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the holiday season on the lives of families in our area.   We are aware that some families may feel under pressure to show their appreciation to staff in the school or the ECC by buying gifts and presents.  

Two years ago the BBC ran a feature about this with the simple message that thank you is enough. We want to share this message with you again this year to reassure any parents/carers who may feel worried about affording a gift for a teacher/staff member in the run up to the Christmas break.

On behalf of all the staff, I would like to reassure you that a thank you, a card or an email and the kind thought behind these small gestures, is more than enough for us.

Wishing you and your families all the best this festive season,

Julie McKee

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