Daily PE challenge

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all well and keeping up your fitness. Please remember to try all the wee activities and workouts I’ve been posting as often as you can, trying to beat your previous attempts and get your personal best. You could perhaps make/design a log book to note your results each day. If you find somethings too easy or too difficult you should adapt them to suit your own needs – you want to challenge yourself rather than just going through the motions.

Today I’m posting a wacky races activity which can be fun especially for lower down the school but can be easily adapted for older pupils (remember the bunny hops!) If you have nobody to race against ask someone to time you. Make it challenging,



We challenged Rory to a great big 6 mile walk to a place we call the hidden loch. He made it there and back and had great fun, although he was tired out when we got home,

Stay safe

Mr Smith


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