Active Schools Co-ordinators

For the last 3 weeks Gary Seymour and Kirsty Millar from Active Schools have been working in the playground with Base 3 classes delivering fitness lessons through dance and games, all within the current guidelines to keep everyone safe. These morning exercises have had such a positive impact on the children’s work for the rest of the day!

From Monday they will be moving to start a new block with the classes in Base 2. Could we ask that all the children in these classes come prepared every day with a waterproof jacket and suitable footwear, as they will be going outside for these activities?

Many thanks



Remembrance Day

The children in the ECC have been making Poppies this week to mark Remembrance Day. They also took part in the minute silence today at 11 o’clock.


Gargieston Food Bank & Toy Station – w/c 9th November 2020


2020 has been a tough one for us all and with Christmas just round the corner we want to show our support to people in our local community who find themselves in need this festive period.  This year we will again be supporting our local food bank with donations and also Hillhouse charity who support children and families across Ayrshire.

Next week volunteers from the GFG will be set up in the school car park every day between 8.45am-9am and 2.45pm-3.15pm to accept any kind donations you may want to give in the form of non-perishable food items, children’s pyjamas or toys (these must be new items that can be used as gifts for kids, not pre-loved items please).

To allow you to safely donate we will be observing all COVID guidelines and social distancing measures and will have two car boots open within the designated area of the car park each day at the above times to allow you to safely drop your donation with no contact necessary.

Thank you all once again for your continued support and kindness.

ECC Rhyme of the fortnight

We will be learning The Grand old Duke of York for our rhyme of the fortnight over the next 2 weeks in the ECC. Please practice this at home and encourage children to learn the Makaton signs to go along with the rhyme. We would love to see videos on the children’s individual blogs of them reciting this rhyme.

ECC new displays

The ECC children have created a variety of lovely firework images this week

ECC First camp fire

The boys and girls in TRIO 1 in the afternoon thoroughly enjoyed a camp fire out in our garden today. We had marshmallows and hot chocolate for our snack 🙂

ECC Halloween party

The ECC boys and girls had a fabulous time at our Halloween party on Friday 🙂