Thank you to Mr Wallace from Ayrshire Signs & Graphics for designing this fantastic banner to welcome our new Primary 1 children to Gargieston.

ECC garden

Mrs Hendrie and Miss Gray have had a busy afternoon constructing two new tents in the ECC garden to provide some shelter for the children while learning outdoors 🙂

Outdoor Learning at Gargieston

On Thursday, four of our P7 pupils created designs of paths/swirls/mazes to be cut into the back grass at the school which has become overgrown during the school closure. The designs were amalgamated together and a grass cutter machine cut the grass in to the design yesterday morning. This initiative is very exciting as it will allow us to develop learning through landscapes, biodiversity and develop our outdoor learning curriculum within the school. It will also give our children a fun, natural environment to explore and to learn from.                                                                                                                        Yesterday Dominic, Archie, Freya A and Louie from last session’s Pupil Council and Miller, Freya L, Callum and Eilidh from last session’s Rights Respecting Schools group met with Natalie White, Outdoor Learning lead officer, George, the grass cutter and a photographer from East Ayrshire Council. These and other super photographs will be used to publicise and promote this initiative to all schools in East Ayrshire.                                                                                       We are delighted that Gargieston is leading the way!!

ECC Snack Menu & Allergen content Week beginning 17/8/20

Nut free school reminder

Just a reminder that Gargieston is a nut free zone.

Thank you .


Fun in the Sun!

As the weather is so hot ,& pupils will be spending more time outdoors.

Could we please ask that sun cream is applied before coming to school.

Pupils could also bring in sun cream if they need to reapply it during the school day and a sun hat to protect them fully from the sun.

Image result for child sun cream clipart


Kilmarnock Standard photographs

We are delighted to see the Primary 1 photos of our departing P7 children in the Kilmarnock Standard this morning. It was a lovely idea the paper had to help give all the children heading to secondary a fond farewell. Why not have a look in the paper to see how many you recognise and enjoy the poem written especially for the. All the best next week 7s – you’ll be fine!

Twas back in 2013

You came through Gargie doors

All shiny and polished,

Wondering what was in store


Miss Houston, Mrs Mackie

Mrs Marshall – all three.

Your very first teachers

How special they would all be!


The years rolled on

And older you got

Some came. Some left

But they’ll not be forgot


Base 1, Base 2

The more you grew

Base 3 and Base 4

The years just flew


The day finally came

You were Primary 7

Captains and Prefects

It was absolute heaven!


Panto Pandemonium

Of this you were stars

We will never forget

How amazing you are!


Then along came Covid

It ruined our plans

No Arran, no party

None of us were fans


But we want you to know

Whatever you do

We think you’re so special

And we’ll miss all of you.