Primary One School Photos

We have arranged for the photographer from the Kilmarnock Standard to come to the school on the morning of Thursday 3 September to take a group photograph of our Primary 1 children.

This will be taken outside, social distancing will be observed by the adults involved throughout the process.

Please give permission below for your child to be included in the photograph.

Please note – these photos will be printed in a special edition of the Kilmarnock Standard.

Thank you.

ECC snack menu week

Gargieston ECC snack menu week beginning 31/8/2020

ECC display

This week in the ECC we have created a display of photographs of the children exploring the outdoor learning area.

ECC garden

The ECC have been working very hard to develop our outdoor learning area. The children are thoroughly enjoying exploring our new outdoor areas to promote and develop their imaginative and creative skills. We have created: Dino land, digger land, a fairy garden, a road for children to investigate during daily outdoor play opportunities. If you have any items which you could donate to the ECC to help enhance these areas we would be very greatful. We are also on the look out for an old microwave to enhance our mud kitchen area. If you have any pebbles you could spare us these would be brilliant to create story stones to help enrich literacy experiences outdoors. The ECC team would like to thank all of our parents for your continued support 🙂

School app

Most of our information can be found on the school app.

Please download this if you have not already got it .

Thank you.


***Primary 1 times from Monday 24th August***

Just a friendly reminder that Primary 1 will be in school full time from Monday 24th August. There will be a soft start between 8.50 and 9.00 and pick up is at 3.05.


Gargieston relies heavily on the funds raised by the hard work of the GFG but, as their post says,  this will not be possible for the foreseeable future.

Easyfundraising is a great way of adding money to the funds at no extra cost to you. It is accumulated from shopping you are doing anyway.

By making a free account on this page and choosing Gargieston as your ’cause’, you would raise money for the school every time you make a purchase. Going through Easy Fundraising you can raise up to:

4% at WH Smith  1% at John Lewis                  1.5% at Game

2% at M&S            1% at eBay                                7% at Groupon

1% at Apple          3% at Game         or             2.5% with Clarks

This is only a tiny fraction of the deals available. Of our 49 supporters, 23 have used it and raised more than £520 over the years. This grid shows some of the activity on our account recently – the amount someone paid and the donation given by the company – it all adds up!

We would really appreciate your support with this which would give us funds to benefit every child at Gargieston.


Gargieston Fundraising Group


The GFG are delighted to see all the ECC and primary children back at school. We are sure you have enjoyed seeing all their excitement and smiles being back.

We hope all the new starts are settling in well and appreciate the current situation is different from what we are all used to this term.

The aim of the GFG in 2020/2021 is to continue to support our kids at Gargieston Primary and ECC by raising much needed funds to finance resources and experiences that benefit all the children.  At this time however we are mindful that many household circumstances will have changed and this will be a major consideration  as we plan any forthcoming events with support of the parent group.

Creativity will be required this year along with a lot of thinking outside the box!

It’s our intention to hold  a virtual meeting in the next few weeks and we hope to see some new faces attend. New ideas are always welcome.

Details to follow of date and time. Hope to see you all there

Thanks The GFG

ECC snack menu week beginning 24th August

Snack menu and allergen sheet for week beginning 24/8/2020

ECC displays

The children in the ECC have been working very hard this week. They have created pictures for three new displays this week.

Drawing a portrait of their families, Their first paintings in the ECC and drawing their favourite dinosaur 🙂