Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition

All of our Burns Recital Class Winners were given the opportunity to compete at the Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition yesterday. 

Many of them chose to take part in the event and represent Gargieston, with incredible  success. With over 70 children in the P1-3 category alone, Gargieston had a clean sweep taking Gold, Silver and Bronze – what a remarkable achievement!

                                                      1st place – Isla Clarke                                                                                                        2nd place – Adil Ahmad                                                    3rd place – Pippa Lee

We are so proud of all our team, with particular praise going to the 3 winners. Well done, Team Gargieston!

2 thoughts on “Ayrshire Association of Burns Clubs Schools Competition”

  1. Well done to all those who took part and great to hear that Team Gargieston did so well -brilliant news!😊👏🎉

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