Easy Fundraising


As we approach the final run-in towards Christmas, can we remind everyone of our Easy Fundraising page? By making a free account on this page and choosing Gargieston as your ’cause’, you would raise money for the school every time you make a purchase. Going through Easy Fundraising you could raise up to:

1.5% at Argos      2% at John Lewis                  1.5% at Game

3% at M&S            1% at eBay                                7% at Groupon

1% at Apple          6% at Canon         or £15 with Go Compare Insurance

This is only a tiny fraction of the deals available. Over the years 46 users have raised over £500! Please sign on and help raise even more funds for the school at absolutely no extra cost to you.



Absence Reporting

Please remember to call in with any absences before 9.30am.

If your child had been absent the previous week , an update on Monday morning would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Infant and ECC Nativities

This week we have our Infant and ECC Nativities. At each performance there will be a last opportunity for parents and friends of the school to purchase any tickets for our Grand Raffle (£1 a strip) and Hamper raffle (50p each ticket). There are 4 prizes in the Hamper Draw, ranging from the largest basket down to various smaller hampers. In the Grand Raffle there is a wide variety of super prizes ranging from jewellery to afternoon tea vouchers, restaurant vouchers, toiletry sets and a huge number of assorted bottles!! The draw for each raffle will take place next Monday, 16th December. Any other P3-7 parents who wish to purchase tickets can send the appropriate money in an envelope with their name, contact details and number of each tickets required.

A Christmas Thought – Thank You is Enough!

With Christmas fast approaching, we are all more mindful than ever of the effects of poverty on the lives of families in our area.   Some families may feel under pressure to show their appreciation to staff in the school through bringing in expensive gifts.

Last year the BBC ran a feature about this with the simple message that thank you is enough. We want to share this message with you this year to reassure any parents that are worried about affording a gift for a teacher in the run up to the Christmas break.


I would like to reassure you that there is no ban on bringing gifts for staff, but that a thank you, a card, a handmade token of appreciation and the thought behind these small gestures, is more than enough for us.

Wishing you all the best this festive season,

Julie McKee
Head Teacher

Parking in and Around the School

Again, parking in and around the school is becoming an issue.
Please think carefully about where you park and if there is a need to bring a car at all.
There should be no parking at all in the staff car park or in the allocated disabled bays – badge holders only please.  We are also getting a stream of complaints from residents regarding inconsiderate and unsafe parking.    The side of the car park next to the garden is for drop off only not for parking.
Please pass this onto anyone who is collecting your child.
Thank you.


Congratulations to our middle school Netball team. Last week they took part in a tournament at Kyle Academy and won three of their four matches! An amazing achievement for their first competitive games. Thank you for representing the school so well.

Thanks also to Kirsty Mackay, Charlie Mackay and Amy Tickner for giving up their own time to come and coach the team – we really appreciate it!


Writing Walls

As we continue to work hard on improving our writing skills, we now have two new displays in the corridor. Each one shows some of the excellent work being produced throughout the school. Well done to everyone who has work on show this week!

Choir – Springhill Home

The choir members from P5-7 thoroughly enjoyed entertaining the residents of Springhill Home on Wednesday.

They sang a mix of old and new festive tunes. Some of the residents even joined in with a few.

Well done to everyone who attended this. Here’s a little clip of us singing “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!”

Make & Taste Christmas Special

Thanks to all who has attended our Make & Taste Sessions for the last 5 weeks.  Hope you had lots of fun making our festive snacks yesterday! 😀

All of your feedback over the weeks is much appreciated too. We hope to do more of these sessions again soon!

Thank you to everyone who attended our recent book bug session.

Our next sessions will be Friday 13th December, if you would like to attend please add your name to the list on the communication board in the cloak room. These sessions are limited to 10 places on a fist come first served basis.