School Club Volunteers

Are you a Gargieston parent or grandparent with time and a talent that you would enjoy passing on to a group of our younger or older pupils?    Are you a parent  looking for the opportunity for some work experience in a school with a view to getting back to work? Would you be willing and able to make, for example, a 6-8 week commitment to pass on your skills to our young people at some point during this school session?  Skills could be in a sport (for example football, basketball, tennis in the MUGA or gym?),  crafting (for example knitting, sewing, art and crafts? ), or a hobby ( for example chess,  music, gardening ?) .

We are looking for any volunteers who have a skill or talent our children would benefit from who would be willing to help with our Friday afternoon electives and/or with a lunchtime club?

If this is something you would consider please contact  the school. We would love to hear from you.

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