Reminded ECC Parents meetings

Reminder that all ECC parents meetings will take place next week. If you have not yet booked your slot with your keyworker please speak to them regarding this.


Red group – Monday 30th September

Green group – Tuesday 1st October

Yellow and Blue groups – Wednesday 2nd October

Purple group – Thursday 3rd October

Orange group – Friday 4th October

ECC outdoor learning area

The ECC staff have been working very hard to develop our outdoor learning area today. We are delighted to show off our music station area, water play area, den building area and mud kitchen. Thank you very much for all of the donations we had to help create our mud kitchen and music station. Keep an eye out for our new story area coming soon!

Can I please remind all ECC parents that children have access to outdoor learning on a daily basis, please ensure that your child has suitable footwear to allow them to access this, they will get messy!!!

ECC – Word Aware

Last week we  introduced Word Aware,  for the majority of our pre-school children/parents this will be something they are familiar with however for our ante-pre children/parents this is new.

Every second week the children will be introduced to a new word and learn the concept of the word through small group activities. The word for the next two weeks is ‘wet’.  Can you talk to your child about things that are wet and not wet e’g at bath time hair, face, body.

If you want further information on word aware please click on the link below or feel free to speak to ECC staff.


Holiday Weekend Fri 20 – Tue 24th September.

We will be closed  for the September weekend holiday

Friday 20th and Monday 23rd September .

Tuesday 24th will be an in-service day.

Pupils will return on Wednesday 25th September.

Have a lovely break !

Netball after school club

Net ball after school club starts next Friday 27th September

and on the following dates-

4th, 11th and 25th October.

1st, 8th , 15th and 22nd November.

3.15 – 4.15pm


Pupils must be collected at reception by an adult after club.



A massive thank you to everyone who attended todays Bookbug session it was great to see so much  support.

The next sessions will be held on Tuesday 8th October, if you would like to attend any of these sessions please add your name to the list on the communication board. These sessions are limited to 10 spaces on a first come first served basis so be quick if you want to join the fun.


School Values in Action

This morning, Miller Stewart was the worthy recipient of the first Gold card of the session.  Our Gold cards, earning 100 House points, are saved for very special occasions where our children demonstrate our school values in action.

With permission from Miller, I have shared his letter which explains beautifully why his actions were recognised with a Gold card.  I know that Reece was extremely touched by Miller’s kindness and I’m sure that Gavin Robertson’s family will be too.

Well done Miller – you are a credit to your family and our school.  We are very proud of you!

Homework Clubs

It is time to start up our homework clubs which provide pupils the opportunity to support the learning taking place in class. At each club there will be a teacher(s) available to help support pupils. Clubs this year will be as follows:-

Tuesday lunchtime:- P4-7- 12.35 -1.05

P1-3 – 1.05 – 1.35

Wednesdays after school – 3.15 – 4.15

Thursdays lunchtime:-   P4-7- 12.35 -1.05

P1-3 – 1.05 – 1.35

The after school  club will start tomorrow and the lunchtime club on Thursday.



Bug Club Workshops

We would like to invite P1 parents and new families  to a Bug Club workshop. Bug Club is the reading programme which we use throughout the school and it would be helpful if the parents of P1 pupils who have no older siblings within the school were able to attend.

We have planned two workshops in the hope you will be able to attend at a time that suits you best.

Wednesday 18th September @ 8.30am.


Thursday 19th September @3.15pm.

Please enter your details below if you wish to attend.



P4-7 Superstars

Here are the P4-7 Superstars from this week. Well done everyone!!