School Values in Action

This morning, Miller Stewart was the worthy recipient of the first Gold card of the session.  Our Gold cards, earning 100 House points, are saved for very special occasions where our children demonstrate our school values in action.

With permission from Miller, I have shared his letter which explains beautifully why his actions were recognised with a Gold card.  I know that Reece was extremely touched by Miller’s kindness and I’m sure that Gavin Robertson’s family will be too.

Well done Miller – you are a credit to your family and our school.  We are very proud of you!

3 thoughts on “School Values in Action”

  1. It was great to read this wonderful letter and lovely to see that Miller’s kind and thoughtful actions were recognised by being awarded the Gold card. A credit to your family and the school -well done, Miller!

  2. What a wonderful , kind and thoughtful thing to do. Such a well deserved gold card and I’m sure you had made lots of people very proud .

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