Arran Residential

The children of Primary 7 who have gone to Arran this week had a good journey over this morning – even if it was a bit of a wet start! However, they have been off out and about already and Mrs Bloomfield has kindly sent some photos through already. Hopefully, like us, they are now enjoying some sunshine. We will update you with photos and news as much as possible.      Mrs Lawson


Lost Property

Please check in the parents room for your child’s lost property.

Feel free to take any items.

All uncollected items will be donated to the Salvation army.

Gargie’s Disney Extravaganza


Gargie’s Disney Extravaganza

Wednesday 15th May 2019

Show starts at 6.00 pm and will finish no later than 8.30 pm.

No restrictions on ticket sales  –  open to all now!

 Children will not be allocated a seat and may need to sit at the front on mats.

No tickets will be  issued, names will be checked off against payment report at the door.

Cost – Adults – £2, Children – £1.

Please visit Parent Pay to purchase tickets.

Children that have a part in the show do not need to purchase a ticket.





Bank holiday number search ECC

To help develop your child’s numeracy skills can you have a search with your child around the home to see how many different numbers you can find. Please upload photos to your child’s blog. Happy searching.

Orienteering Parent Helpers

**Thursday 23 May 2019**

Eglinton Country Park

P4 – P7

If you are available to help on the day, please complete the form below.

(We would appreciate any parents help – even if your child is not taking part in the event. )

Thank you.


The Scottish FA are asking you to raise the roof at Hampden Park on Tuesday 28th May for your record breaking Scottish Women’s National Team as they take on Jamaica in their final game before leaving to make even more history at the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019. We are delighted that we have been offered complimentary tickets to the game for friends, family, colleagues or pupils to come and show their support.  

Please complete the drop down below by 10.30am on Tuesday 7th May if you would like tickets for your family and we will issue them to you from the school. #OurGirlsOurGame


**Wider Achievements**

Our next Wider Achievement Assembly will be next week.

Any pupils with medals or certificates for the assembly should bring them into school by Tuesday 7th May.

Play @home session

Thank you to all who attended todays play at home sessions I hope you all had as much fun as I did.

The next session will be on Thursday 9th May and will be based on development of fine motor skills so if you would like to attend this workshop and help your child develop this skill please add your name to the list on the communication.

This session is limited to only 6 places so be quick.

Prize Giving – Parent Forum – Wed 8th May

Prize Giving

 As we head into our final weeks of the session the staff is beginning to look towards our annual Prize Giving in June. However, this year we would like to ask for your opinion on Prize Giving – are we rewarding the children appropriately? Should more emphasis be put on effort? Should our values feature in the awards?

 If you would like to contribute to a discussion on Prize Giving and find out a little more about the process, we would like you to join us in a parent forum on Wednesday 8th May at either 9am or 2.30pm. 

Mrs Lawson.




JRSO Parking

A big thank you to Mr Wallace for making and putting up our new signs they look great. However people are not paying attention to them  and parking in the drop of zone or on the roundabout.

If you are reading this and you know you do this please stop.Image result for JRSO