Orienteering Reminder

Orienteering training is on tonight at The Kay Park in Kilmarnock at 6pm.

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Pre School / Primary 1 Transition Parents Meeting


Information letters have been sent out this week regarding pre school / primary transition meetings for parents


**Monday 29th April**

Please select a meeting from the drop below to confirm your attendance.

Parents Evenings

Following your parents meetings, we would appreciate it if you could take the time to visit the gym hall where our Primary 7 pupils will be gathering information via a short online survey.  We will also have a stall with information about the Marys Meals Back Pack Appeal and a substantial lost property table.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Our Trim Trail Is Open!!

Our children from the ECC were the first to test out the trim trail this afternoon after we received notification that the safety inspection had been completed.

This is a fabulous addition to our playground and I know that it will be well used by children of all ages.

Look out for information about our official opening in the near future.

P7 at Parents’ Nights

Primary 7 children are encouraged to join their parent(s) during their appointments at Parents’ Nights – where possible. This is a chance to participate in any discussions around their next steps as they look towards leaving us in June.

It would also be great to see the P7s helping Mrs McKee with stalls and surveys too. If any P7 is able to assist for even an hour before or after their appointment please let Mrs Lawson know in writing what time they can help and their arrangements for going home.

Many thanks.

Parents Evenings – Lost Property

During parents evenings , we will have a table set out with all the lost property

that has accumulated over the last few months.


Please drop past our stall and have a look to see if you would like to re home any items !!


The table will be in the hall.

Thank you.



ECC Summer Trip

It is our intention to take all of the ECC children to Heads of Ayr Farm Park for our end of term trip. The cost of this trip will be £10 per child which should be paid to Mrs Hendrie in the ECC by Friday 17th May.

The morning session children will be attending the trip on Tuesday 21st May

The afternoon session children will be attending the trip on Thursday 30th May

Please note that there will be no afternoon session on Tuesday 21st May and no morning session on Thursday 30th May as all staff will be on the trip.

The bus will leave the ECC at 9.15am and return for 3.00pm

If you would like to come along as a parent helper on this day please speak to Mrs Hendrie.

Please provide a packed lunch for your child with their name clearly displayed and which is easily disposable.

Please ensure that children are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions and wearing their ECC uniforms.

Parent Council / GFG

The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Monday 29th April at 7pm in the school meeting room.

 The next meeting of the GFG will take place on Sunday 28th April at 7:30pm in The Park Hotel.

 It would be great to see as many of you there as possible!


P7 at Grange Science Fair Transition

The Primary 7s thoroughly enjoyed a Science Fair Transition event at Grange Academy this week. They met staff, saw inside the Science Department and enjoyed listening to some visitors such as staff from The Science Centre. Thanks very much to Mrs Ferguson and all the teachers for organising this memorable day.


Well done to everyone who managed to come along to Fullarton Woods last night.  It was lovely to see you.

It would be great to see a few more faces, particularly in Primary 4 and 5.  Gargieston has traditionally had a very good representation and it would be fantastic to see this continue.

The next evening session is on Thursday 25th April at The Kay Park Kilmarnock.   Starting at 6pm.

It would be really good if  Primary 4 and 5 pupils had a partner they could run with, at the competition they are only allowed to run in pairs not trios.

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