**Freezing Temperatures**

Please be aware that the freezing temperatures overnight and this morning have left the back playground extremely slippy.

Mr Nisbet is currently salting pathways around the school and we will bring all children in at 8.50am.

Please take extra care when making your way to and from school with your children.

P7 Transition – Getting to know you day

Primary 7 will visit Grange Academy


Tuesday 19th February.

“Getting to know you day”

Leaving school at 9.10 and returning for 3pm.

Packed lunches only please.

Snack and bottle of water.

Full school uniform , warm outdoor coat and suitable outdoor shoes.

Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.




Well done to our Superstars who were recognised for their effort and achievement at assembly today 🙂

Book Bug Sessions

A massive thank you to everyone who attended this weeks Book bug sessions.

The next sessions will take place on Tuesday 29th January

A.M. session 9 a.m. – 9.30 a.m.

P.M. session 1 p.m.- 1.30 p.m.

Please add your name to the list on the communication board if you would like to attend one of these sessions.

Our Vision and Values

In November, we asked 3 ‘big questions’ in order to gather your views to inform our new vision and set of values for Gargieston PS & ECC.

Your feedback to these questions has been collated and there were many common themes in your responses.  We would now like to ask for your support in responding to this brief survey to identify what you think our school values should be.

The link below will direct you straight to the survey – there will be no request for email addresses or passwords.  You will be asked to select the 5 values which you think are most important from a list containing key words from your responses to the ‘big questions’.  The survey will take you less than a minute to complete.

With over 300 families across our ECC and school, your responses to this survey will form a large part of our consultation process and the creation of our updated school vision and values.

Thank you very much to the 50 families who have responded to our survey so far.  We look forward to receiving more responses over the weekend 🙂


GFG and Parent Council Meetings


The next meeting of the Gargieston Fundraising Group will be held upstairs at the oval table in The Park Hotel, Dundonald Road, Kilmarnock on Sunday 20th January at 7.30pm. It would be great to see new faces there. All are welcome.

The next Parent Council meeting will be held in the school meeting room on Monday 21st January at 7pm. Anyone that wishes to come along for the first time will be given a warm welcome.

You are reminded that you do not have to be a member of the GFG or parent council to attend either meeting.

Thank You

After School Clubs

**Girls Football**

Starting back Tuesday 22 January 2019.

Letters have been issued to girls that came along last term. Tear off slips should be returned to the office.

New members welcome – please pick up a letter at the office!

This club will be running right up until the summer break.


**Netball Club – P6 and P7**

Staring back Friday 25 January . Friday 1 February, NOT 8th or 15th February.

Friday 1st , 8th , 15th and 22nd March.

Children should wear gym kit and bring a bottle of water.

New members should collect a form from Mrs Lawson.


** Basketball Club**

Active Schools and Ayrshire College students would like to offer P4 pupils the opportunity to take part in a Basketball after school club.

The club will run on a Wednesday from 3.15pm-4.15pm, and will run on the following dates, 30thJanuary, 6th, 20th & 27th February.

Children should wear gym kit and bring a bottle of water.

Club is capped at 20 places. Letters can be collected and returned to office.




Beautiful Inside and Out

Thank you to everyone who attended the parent workshop last night.  Pauline’s presentation about the loss of her beautiful 13 year old daughter was emotional as well as informative.  I know we were all filled with admiration about the work Pauline and her charity carries out in memory of Jenna to promote positive feelings of self-worth in young people.

In reflecting on the presentation, there were 3 key points that stood out for me, both as a Mum and as a Head Teacher:

  1. Talk to your children and listen to them – spend time together, ask them questions but most of all, put the screens off and really listen to what they are saying.
  2.  Encourage a growth mindset – don’t underestimate the power of the word ‘yet’!
  3. Be kind – to each other and to ourselves.  A smile, a kind word or a kind thought for someone can have such a positive impact on their day 🙂

Beautiful Inside & Out

Just a reminder that on Wednesday night this week, Pauline Moriarty, founder of local Scottish Registered charity ‘Beautiful Inside & Out’ (Scio) will deliver an outline of the background, aims and services of the charity, with discussion of ways in which all adults can promote positive mental health in our young people.
The school has strong links with the charity and would urge parents to come along and listen to Pauline talk about her personal journey and the development of the charity.

If you would like to come along at 7pm on Wednesday night, please scroll down to the initial post and add your name on the drop down menu.