Running Club

Well done to the children, staff and parents who have supported our running club this year.  Our numbers were slightly lower for our Santa run today but we still managed to give an interesting rendition of Jingle Bells as we ran up Dundonald Road!

Today was the last session of the year.  However, we will return again after the February holiday.  Keep an eye on the blog for further information 🙂

Book bug

Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesdays book bug session.

The next bookbug sessions will be held on Tuesday 18th December if you would like to attend please add your name to the relevant list on the communication board.

Younger siblings are welcome and tea and coffee will be provided after the session.

Christmas Fayre

Gargieston Christmas Poster 2018

Thank you to everyone for their kind donations.

We now have plenty of donations for everything – you have all been so generous!!

Home baking would be greatly appreciated on the day.

Many thanks .


ECC Christmas Party

On Thursday 20th December we will be having our ECC Christmas Party. Children are encouraged to come along in their party clothes on this day and will enjoy a special snack, party games and a visit from Santa. Santa will be in our meeting room and the children will go along in their groups throughout the morning to receive their gift. Parents are invited to come along with their child to see Santa at their child’s groups allocated time slot.

Morning                                                                                               Afternoon

10. – 10.15                                      Yellow                                           1.30 – 1.45

10.15 – 10.30                                       Red                                                 1.45 – 2.00

10.30 – 10.45                                    Purple                                           2.00 – 2.15

10.45 – 11.00                                     Blue                                                2.15 – 2.30

11.00 – 11.15                                     Orange                                             2.30 – 2.45

11.15 – 11.30                                        Green                                                2.45 – 3.00

When you arrive if you could wait in the parents room and your child’s keyworker will come and collect you for Santa visit.

Panto Thanks

Thanks so much to all parents who volunteered to help supervise the children at today’s Panto.  Thanks also for your patience  when we returned the children to school. Unfortunately the Panto was running late which was outwith our control. However, all of the children had a wonderful time and got us all in the Christmas spirit!!

ECC Christmas Nativity

ECC Christmas Nativity

Performances will start in the hall at 10am and 2.15pm on Friday 14th December

Following the show we will be having an after show party in the ECC with juice and snacks, all parents are welcome to join us.

Could all ante pre school children please wear a Christmas jumper on this day.

Thank you!

Christmas Jumpers !

As Thursday is our Christmas Lunch & Fayre day, pupils are invited to wear a festive jumper, festive top or accessory to school – please do not feel you need to go to any expense – why not decorate a top with festive decorations from home ?



ECC Care Home Visits

Above is the new rota for the care home visits. Please can you let your child’s key worker know if you’re available to help out any of these dates.

Thank you!

★ Star of the Week ECC ★

Well done to last weeks Star of the Week winners for using their listening ears in nursery! 😀


With the whole school looking forward to Tuesday’s visit to The Palace Theatre, we are also thinking about the return to school at approximately 4pm. Last year the buses had major difficulties re-entering the school car park. Could we make the following requests please?

  • leave the bus spaces along the fence empty where the janitor puts out the cones
  • allow staff to take all the children back into classes to collect bags, packed lunch boxes etc. Children will be dismissed from their usual exits thereafter.
  • consider making arrangements with other parents to minimise the number of cars in the area. Letting staff know of changes would be very helpful, however, children should also have clear instructions for home time.

Many thanks for your cooperation with all these requests.