Congratulations to Mrs Lawson who was successful at interview yesterday for the post of Acting Depute Head Teacher here at Gargieston PS & ECC.

We are delighted that Mrs Lawson will be joining the Senior Leadership Team within our school and know that she is looking forward to working with families throughout the school to achieve the best possible outcomes for our children.

Speech and Language Therapy in East Ayrshire

Take a look at the Facebook page for Speech and Language Therapy in East Ayrshire which shares lots of helpful information about how you can support your childs communication.

Ajay Chima, one of our P1 pupils, also stars in their latest short video “Communication for Life” 🙂

Parent Council & GFG Minutes of Meeting November 2018

Please find attached meeting minutes from both Parent Council & GFG.

Parent Council meeting minutes 20th November 2018 (002)

GFG Minutes 081018

GFG minutes 18th November 2018


YOTYP (Year Of The Young People)

Earlier this year, as part of our Rights Respecting School initiative, Orla McAllister and Emma Simpson took a leadership role within the school and organised a second hand clothes and bric a brac collection for the Kilmarnock charity C.A.S.E. (Caring and Sharing Effectively). As a result of this excellent work the girls were nominated and shortlisted for a Year of Young People Award in the Enterprise Champion category and, accompanied by Mrs. McLaughland,  attended an award presentation and dinner at Dumfries House last Wednesday night. Unfortunately, they didn’t win however they were on the stage and presented with beautiful framed certificates to mark their achievement. Congratulations Orla and Emma!!

Super stars (19th Nov)

Here are our super stars from the 19th November. Well done P1-3. Sorry this post got lost. 

Christmas Fayre Success

Thanks to everyone, children, parents, grandparents, staff and friends of the school for making our first after school Christmas Fayre a big success tonight. To ensure everyone who wishes has the opportunity to buy raffle tickets for the Grand Raffle and Christmas Hamper, tickets will be on sale through the school office next week. Raffle tickets will also be on sale at the Infant and ECC Nativities and we will draw the raffles in school on Monday, 17th December.                                                                                                                                                     During our tidy up tonight, another box of Forum ice-cream tubs was discovered!! These tubs will be on sale in school tomorrow at the reduced price of £1.  Once again, thank you all for your attendance tonight and your generosity in the wonderful baking and prizes that have been donated.

Prizes & Stalls

Deluxe food hamper Raffle – Donated by staff.



Grand Raffle

Guess the weight of the cake !


Our big superstars

Well done to all our superstars and keep up the good work.

Year Of Young People Awards

Good luck to Orla McAllister, Emma Simpson and Mrs McLaughland who are attending the Year Of Young People awards ceremony at Dumfries House tonight.

Orla and Emma were nominated by the school in the category of ‘enterprise champions’ for their project collecting donations for C.A.S.E.