P7 Photography Competition

On Tuesday 18th September the Primary 7 children will be looking towards entering the My Place Photography competition.

This is a national competition the school has entered for the past four years – and has been fortunate enough to have some success with.

With this in mind, the children are going to be making their first visit to Grange Academy that morning.

We will walk up to the Art & Design Department where Miss Sharpe will give them a talk on top tips for that perfect shot!

After that we will walk into the town centre taking pictures of the town in which we live.

Where possible, could the children bring in a simple, fully charged camera which they can use on the day – one which they must be responsible for.

If this is not possible, the school has some available for use.

No phones please.

Please ensure suitable clothing and packed lunches / snacks are brought.

Please give permission below for your child to attend and if you are available to help on the day.



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