P3A learn about Global Citizenship

It is Global Citizenship week and in Primary 3A we have been discussing what  a global citizen is.  Below are our ideas at the start of this mini topic.

We then went on to discuss the difference between needs and wants and here are the definitions we came up with.

Needs – These are things that keep you safe and protect you.  We need them to survive.

Wants – These keep us happy and entertained but we can live without them.

Then we took part in an activity where we had 12 items but could only choose 9 of these to take with us to a new planet.  We created a ‘Diamond 9’ to organise our items from most important to least important.  Here’s what our groups came up with.

All of the groups chose water, food and family as their top three things.

Look out for another post to see how our understanding of a Global Citizen has developed.





One thought on “P3A learn about Global Citizenship”

  1. Well done, P3A for highlighting the work you have been doing as part of Global Citizenship Week. I like you definitions of what a Need and a Want are. and I totally agree with your top 3 choices of water, food and family as things we can’t do without. Super work, P3A!

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