Nursery Rhyme of the week and Makaton signs

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week is Incy Wincy spider along with this weeks Makaton signs which link to our rhyme – Spider, up and down. Our top tip is still about adding on a word to your child’s sentence.  Please find each of these displayed in our ECC Cloakroom on our communication board. This board is changed weekly ( on a Wed).  We would appreciate if you could sing this rhyme with your child at home and point out the rhyming words throughout. Thank you.

Anti-Bullying and Dyslexia Awareness Day


To show support for Dyslexia Awareness Week and Anti-Bullying Week, we will be having a ‘wear something blue’ day on Friday 10th November. The whole school are invited to wear a blue accessory such as a wig, hat, socks, ribbons along with their normal school uniform.


This will be the focus of the assembly and pupils will be invited to complete a survey about anti-bullying. Also, pupils will learn more about dyslexia and anti-bullying in class.