Children in Need Update

The Mini Council have been working hard deciding how to raise money for the charity Children in Need.

As a group we have decided to collect old, round pound coins as part of ‘Pudsey’s Round Pound Countdown’, if you have a round pound coin at home we would be grateful if you could donate it to our collection by giving it to Miss Caldow.

On the week beginning 13th November the Mini Council will be selling Pudsey merchandise.  Based on our survey we have decided to go with Ears for £2.50. These will be sold at lunchtimes in the gym hall.  In previous years these have sold quickly so be quick to avoid disappointment.

On  Friday 17th November children are invited to dress up in spotty/Pudsey clothes at the cost of £1 which should be given in cash to their teacher on the day.

We are looking forward to seeing how much we can raise and if we can beat last year’s total of £623.90!

Thank you for you help and support!

The Mini Council and Miss Caldow

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