Dragon of the Western Seas Opera

P4-7 travelled to Sandhead school today to perform The Dragon of the Western Seas Opera with Sandhead, Drummore and Leswalt pupils.  After just a brief rehearsal the children quickly pulled together a sterling performance of the songs they had learned in the previous weeks.

These children’s operas, created and delivered by Scottish Opera, make learning exciting, challenging and creative and allow pupils to participate in a high-quality, day-long music theatre workshop, ending with a performance for parents and guests.

Everyone agreed that it was a truly impressive performance. The children have been inspired to open their creative and musical tastes to a wider scope.

Here is a synopsis of our opera:

In the year 1405 the great Dragon Throne Emperor of China, Zhu Di, has decided it is time his nation expanded its influence beyond the edge of the known world and into the mysterious Western Sea.

He assembles an enormous fleet of mighty ships with 28,000 crew, and fills them with all the treasure and riches of China. Enough to buy the gratitude and friendship of those unknown lands beyond the setting sun.

Only one man could be trusted to lead such a dangerous and important mission, the great Admiral Zheng Ha, the Dragon of the Western Sea!

#Confident Individuals

Day of Dance

Primary 2 and 3  girls represented our school proudly at the Day of Dance at Stranraer Academy.

Ava-lily, Maya, Ruby, Rose, Amelia and Sophie were twinkled toed as they performed their dances with flair and grace.  Our thanks to Mrs Henry, our very talented resident dance instructor and to Pat, our ever helpful escort.

# Effective Contributors

Collaborative Maths Morning

Class 1 & 2 came together this morning to have a maths sharing morning.  The older pupils were buddy helpers to the little ones. They had to develop their skills in demonstrating and explaining to  help support the younger pupils in a range of maths concepts.  We practiced our adding Learn Its, and our Clicks; counting reading and saying numbers as well as doubling and halving using objects.  We also practiced our number formation before using our ICT skills to play maths concept games on Eduction City.  Everyone worked very well together in a spirit of mutual learning.

ICT and Maths
Enjoying our learning
Sharing Ideas
Thinking time
How many are left?
Counting on together


Eden Bus

The boys and girls were given the opportunity to have a brief visit to the Eden bus today.  A group of Americans are travelling around the country in this custom fitted vehicle and extended an invitation to us to attend.  The Americans were joined by local members of the Scripture Union.

Whilst on board the children were able to engage and explore a range of activity zones.  There was a climbing wall, 2 games console areas, 3 nail bars, and a chill out zone.  The pupils enjoyed chatting about the similarities and differences between life here and in America.

All the children were respectful and polite and engaged well with others. Everyone was given the opportunity to revisit the bus with their families after school, if they wished.


#Responsible Citizens

Celebrating Difference – Down Syndrome Day

Portpatrick Primary got their socks on to celebrate difference for Down Sydrome Awareness Day today.  The boys and girls were inspired to support little Chloe Lennon after watching her wonderfully confident video asking people to wear odd socks to support World Down Syndrome Day on the 21st of March.

What a colourful array of bold hues, spots and stripes were on display on our tootsies!

Scientists get busy for British Science Week

As part of the national British Science Week’s (B.S.W.) celebration of science, Portpatrick Primary got their enquiring minds in gear by participating in an open afternoon.  Friends and family attended to help the children engage with a range of activities and experiments covering aspects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (S.T.E.M.)

Prior to the event, the school successfully submitted a bid for funding to purchase resources with which to promote the learning and teaching of S.T.E.M.  As a result of this, the boys and girls thought it was a good idea to get the whole community involved in sharing our exploration of the world around us.

The children were presented with a wide selection of activities such as using logic to program a moveable mouse to follow desired routes around a maze, making poo and constructing birds’ nests from natural materials in the younger class.  As you can imagine, the poo making activity proved the most popular. The upper class followed schematics to construct programmable robotic devices using Lego Wedo.  They also built complex models using a K’nex engineering kit.  The online Citizen Science activity allowed us to contribute to the B.S.W. target of tagging plastic in 250,000 images of U.K. beaches.  There were dissolving, acid & alkali experiments, magnetism, electricity, Scratch programming and geology activities too.

Everyone participated fully and were free to select which activity they desired using a carousel arrangement.  A great afternoon of learning was had by all.

Scratch programming

We Are Weather Makers!

Primary 1-3 have been exploring the water cycle and learning about its main features. As well as creating our own water cycle songs to help us remember the process the cycle goes though, the class have also made their very own water cycles!
We are hoping to see some evaporation, condensation and precipitation in our own water cycles when the sun hits them.
Stay tuned to find out if they work!

Stronord Outdoor Adenture 2018

P5-7 had a wonderful time this week as part of an outdoor learning opportunity.  The children set off bright and early on Monday morning for a residential excursion to the Stronord Outdoor Education Centre in Kirroughtree Forest.  The experience helped to foster their problem solving skills and develop their abilities in the four capacities of the Curriculum for Excellence: Successful Learners, Confident Individuals, Responsible Citizens & Effective Contributors

After a quick snack upon arrival we got kitted out by Ian and Mike, our instructors, and headed for the hills.  We completed a 6 mile trek along the top of Larg Hill; respecting the country code as we went.  There were beautiful views to be seen along the estuary.  The children were upbeat and approached the challenge with gusto.  We returned on a circuitous route via Garrochar Wildlife Ponds.  There were many fallen trees on the pathway as a result of the recent weather.  The children had to problem solve to identify and select safe routes through the obstacles.  We completed our walk at the churchyard where we had a well-earned breather.

Upon our return, Carol had prepared a delicious hot meal for us all.  There was a mountain of food for everyone and we all relaxed with full stomachs.  Everyone was weary after their physical efforts and all were pretty much fast asleep by 11 p.m. – a first!

The next day the boys were first to rise and enjoy breakfast.  The sleepy girls followed a while after.  We all went for a quick stroll up to the play park at Kirroughtree visitor’s centre before Ed & Robbie arrived to kit us out for our first activity of the day; mountain biking.  We progressed through a range of the forest bike trails of differing challenge.  Each person had to strategise to select speed and direction going downhill.  We also had to renegotiate our route when we encountered blocked paths.  Everyone showed determination and grit, testing their capabilities to attempt new challenges.

After lunch back at the centre, we set off again for our orienteering adventure.  The children were split into pairs.  They were required to apply their map reading skills to locate control points in the woodlands.  Once they had this competency under their belt, the children were split into teams to complete a speed challenge using electronic dibbers to record the fastest route time.  Our clear winners were Rowan and Rhian who recorded 7 control station stops in an impressive 9.46 minutes.  Sportsmanship was evident throughout as the children took care of each other, even when this impacted on time scores for the competition.

After all our exertion and activities it was then time to return to the centre and ready ourselves for the short journey home.

Everyone demonstrated strong ‘soft skills’ during our trip.  They organised themselves and made decisions seamlessly & harmoniously as a team without adult intervention.  Special recognition for ‘Team Spirit Stars’ was given to 2 boys and 2 girls: Innes & Lee and Katie & Mia who went beyond even that in their kindness and consideration towards every member of the team.  Well done all!

Many thanks go to Larraine and Mr. Harbottle for their kind assistance on our trip.

#Succesful Learners/Confident Individuals/Responsible Citizens/Effectice Contributors


The experience at Stronord starts…..

Primary 5-7 headed off this morning at 8.30am for 2 days of outdoor education at Stronord outdoor education centre, near Newton Stewart.  

Day one and the pupils have had a clear dry day to enjoy hill walking.  Limited mobile phone network coverage means communication has been limited, but Ms Whorlow did manage to send through 2 photographs to illustrate what they were up to earlier………….

Outdoor/Indoor Maths – Negative Numbers

Class 2 braved the elements today, albeit very briefly, before returning to the warmth of the hall for our ‘outdoor’ maths.  We were applying our problem solving skills to act out adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.  We used the Start-Direction-How he walks strategy to move ourselves along the number line to find our answer.  We now know that when the two signs in the middle of a calculation are the same the result is positive e.g. 6 -( – 4) = 10.  When the two signs in the middle of a calculation are different, the result is negative e.g. -4 + ( -2) = -6. We are problem solvers!

#Successful Learners

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