Science, history and STEM and more!

P1-3 have been busy exploring inventions of the past today.  They have learned about how the ancient Egyptians built shadufs to help them lift water from the River Nile to water their crops.

The boys and girls constructed their own shaduf models using rods, Plasticine, string and containers. The children applied the principle of pivot points to lesson the force required to move water from one point to another.

The children used their engineering skills to create their concept designs, constructing and modifying through experience to ensure sufficient drop and counterbalance.  The stability of free standing design was tinkered with and a conclusion reached that the tripod method was the most stable for this purpose. Hands on learning, developing soft skills of cooperation, discussion and idea sharing was the order of the day!

#Successful Learners



History Alive – WWII

We were treated to an interactive World War II session with History Alive today.  Catherine and Steven came in to school and delivered a very interesting and informative potted history of WWII to P4-7.  The children learned about many facets of the war such as what caused the conflict and how it impacted on the lives of people in Britain through blockades, rationing, evacuation, the Blitz and blackouts, to name but a few.  This led into a discussion on how life subsequent to the war had changed and why.

The children had the opportunity to have a hands-on experience with memorabilia such as weapons, photographs, gas masks, propaganda, rationing samples etc. They all relished the chance to try on authentic uniforms and have a little role play.  The class then posed insightful questions to gain even more knowledge of WWII, its causes and effects.  A very purposeful and enjoyable session was had by all.

#Successful learners


Bring and Buy Sale

The Eco Committee organised and ran a Bring-and-Buy sale on Monday to raise money for the environmental charity, the Solway Heritage.

Pupils, families and friends of the school handed in unwanted books, toys, and household items that could be used by others. So far, we have raised a total of over £35! Well done everyone!

The sale will continue for the rest of the week, when we will announce the final total.

Safer internet day

Today we celebrated International Safer Internet Day! This year the theme was: Together for a better internet. Over 160 countries participated, with over 2000 UK schools and organisations too.

The world wide web is a fantastic resource that our parents, grandparents and teachers did not have when growing up – but we do! But all great resources need to be used wisely and there are things to be aware of. We learnt today how to be super computer savvy…

1. Choose to be aware 

Make sure you know the rules about how to behave and stay safe on the sites, games and apps you like to use. Look out for buttons that let you block, mute and report other users who aren’t behaving and always ask for help if there is something you are not sure about.

2. Choose to make sensible choices online 

Always keep your personal information safe and any personal information belonging to your friends and family.  Check with an adult before signing up to a new game or online service and before downloading a new app or game .

3. Choose to ask if it’s okay 

Always think about how your online actions might make others feel. Be a respectful friend online and remember to ask for permission before sharing something about someone else. This could include a picture, video or piece of their personal information like where they live or their full name. Take a look at our Safer Internet Day film to see what other young people think about asking for consent online.

4. Choose to be a role model 

Always be kind to others online and support your friends if they are having a difficult time. You can help your friends by showing them how to block and report in games and apps or by going to talk to a trusted adult with them.

5. Choose to ask for help

If you are ever unsure about something you see online, or anything makes you feel worried, upset or confused then ask a trusted adult for some help and advice.


Remember! Think SMART – Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell.


Check out for more information including a section with top tips for parents/carers.


Pupils can easily access the ThinkUKnow website via their GLOW launch pad. This has some fantastic games and a Parents/Carers section too.


P1-3 pupils learned all about Smartie the Penguin, who teaches them to be ‘Sensible like Smartie.’

Scot’s Assembly

Parents and family gathered together to celebrate our pupils’ success in this year’s Scot’s poetry activities in recitation, handwriting and artwork.  The winners in each skill category were presented with certificates for their achievement, with everyone praised for their hard work and effort.  The 1st place achievers recited their poems with expression and confidence.

The children then performed their Scot’s songs to entertain the audience with full audience participation encouraged.

# Successful Learners


Willow Dome Construction – STEM

Today saw the beginning of construction of a new addition to our playground space.  Sian,  local gardener,  has kindly brought in willow whip bundles from her own garden with which to build the dome. With the help of some very willing volunteers, she has rapidly got work underway to complete the structure. Enginnering discussion was had on the properties of materials and how best to interlace the structure for rigidity.

The boys and girls will have the opportunity to watch the bare sticks grow and transform into a lush, living creation.  They will then be able to practice gardening and pruning skills to maintain the dome throughout the year.

We are discussing the environmental benefits of the structure as willow absorbs carbon from the atmosphere, provides a habitat for wildlife and enriches the soil.

The dome will provide a magical den for the children to enjoy and use in their imaginative play and relaxation.

#Effective Contributors

Grandparents’ Burns Lunch

Portpatrick Primary held our annual Burn’s lunch in school today.  Grandparents and family guests were invited to join us to celebrate our Scottish heritage and enjoy the traditional meal of haggis, neaps and tatties.  P7 recitation winner, Rowan, was piped in on the bagpipes by Mr Colin Moderate.  Rowan gave an impressive Address To A Haggis.  P3 pupil, Amelia, then gave the Selkirk grace before everyone sat down to enjoy their delicious lunch prepared by Barbara.

After lunch and refreshments, the poetry winners recited their poems with lots of actions and ‘gusto’. All the children then entertained the audience with their songs: ‘Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Of A Bus’ and ‘Listen Tae The Teacher’.  Next, everyone joined in for an energetic performance of the’ Shooglie Wooglie’: a Scot’s version of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Mr Moderate and Mr Harbottle brought proceedings to a close by providing further entertainment on the tin whistle and Irish drum. A fabulous afternoon was had by all!

Our thanks to Barbara for a delicious meal, our parent and staff helpers for serving teas, coffees, homemade shortbread and tablet (kindly provided by Barbara).  Also, thank you too to Mr Moderate & Mr Harbottle for their wonderful musical performances.   A final thank you goes to all of our guests for coming along to make the day so special.


# Confident Individuals & Effective Contributors

Celebrating Scottish Poetry

Portpatrick Primary has completed another successful annual celebration of our Scot’s heritage this week.  The children have worked very hard to learn a range of Scot’s poems, produce handwriting examples of their poetry and create artistic models,  Mrs Carol Maxwell judged the worthy winners, as follows:


P1 – 1st Carter, 2nd Erin, 3rd Holly

P2 – 1st Cameron, 2nd Lewis, 3rd Conor

P3 – 1st Rose, 2nd Amelia, 3rd, Sophia

P4 – 1st Maya & Ruby, 3rd Ava Lily

P5 – 1st Robin, 2nd Lillie

P6 – 1st Findlay, 2nd Finlay

P7 – 1st Rowan, 2nd Rhian, 3rd Lee


P1 – Carter

P2 – Cameron

P3 – Liam & Jack

P4 – Ava Lily

P5 -Lillie

P6 – Findlay

P7 – Rowan


P1 – Carter

P2 – Lewis & Atticus

P3 – Ameila

P4 – Ava Lily

P5 -Lillie

P6 – Findlay

P7 – Olivia



Rhins Badminton champions!

Portpatrick Primary excelled in the Rhins badminton championships which took place at Stranraer Academy today.

For  the second year running, Rhian Palmer was girls singles champion.

Rowan Harbottle was the boys singles champion this year.

And, Lola Darling will be leaving the school tomorrow on a high after finishing 3rd in the girls singles.

This is a tremendous achievement for  the smallest school in the Stranraer cluster – proving it is quality , not quantity that counts!

Many thanks must go to our top coach, Mrs Jean Ross, who has volunteered to give up her own time to help the pupils and was there tonight cheering them all on.

Well done to all our brilliant badminton players !

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