Feis Rois Scottish Music Performance

After 12 weeks of learning and practice, P4-7 gave a musical performance to the whole school and family members this afternoon.  The children performed a range of traditional Scottish songs sung both in Gaelic and English whilst playing the tin whistle.  The boys and girls were accompanied by Wendy and  Kate of Feis Rois, who have delivered excellent instruction to the pupils.

The audience thoroughly enjoyed the talents of the pupils and a great morning’s entertainment was had by all.

Have a listen to a couple of the musical performances below to see the skills our boys and girls have mastered.

# Successful Learners

Enterprise and Baking

P4-7 got creative to find ways to support the community Christmas fair.  They decided to make sweets to sell.  The class made peppermint creams by following a simple recipe.  We initially weighed quantities, but after experience we were able to use ‘ready reckoning’.

We applied strict hygiene standards throughout the task, wearing hair nets and aprons and making sure we had squeaky clean hands.

The group were able to calculate the amount we had to sell each pack of sweet for to make a profit.  We added up the total cost of the ingredients and divided that number by the quantity of sweets we were able to make.  This was then multiplied by how many sweets would be in a pack.  We now know how much we must sell each gift pack of sweets for to generate a profit sale.

The boys and girls used paper craft to create decorated presentation gift boxes.  They will make a lovely present for someone at the Christmas Fair.  We hope you would like to buy them.

# Effective Contributors & Successful Learners

We Are Engineers – Bridge Building Challenge

Lauren Steel, Principal Technician: Structures & Engineering Design for Communities with Dumfries and Galloway Council joined us today to deliver a P4-7  engineering workshop, in collaboration with the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE).  Lauren volunteers her time to help develop children’s learning in S.T.E.M across the region.

Lauren talked to the children about different designs of bridges that can be found in the world.  The most common in Dumfries and Galloway is the masonry arch bridge.

Working in small groups, the children were given the challenge of initially designing and sketching a bridge that would be capable of being load bearing.  They then had to select materials and combine them to meet the brief.

The boys and girls used a wide range of Higher Order thinking skills to problem solve.  They had to plan, select, estimate, combine, construct, modify, improve and adapt and test their bridge construction.  Further, they had to apply their soft skills of cooperating, negotiating, discussing, sharing and agreeing to complete the task – phew!

All children were completely absorbed by the task at every step of the process.  They collaborated effectively in their teams and rose to the challenge. Every bridge constructed was successful in supporting a heavy load of a filled water bottle.

Future engineers in the making!

# Successful Learners


Digital Schools Scotland award!

I am delighted to say that following a process which we have been undertaking over the last 2 years, as part of our School improvement plan, our partnership of trio schools has achieved National recognition in the Digital Skills Scotland awards.

Yesterday I received official confirmation that we have been validated and awarded this, following a lengthy submission of evidence and visit of an assessor. 

Dear Ms Sheila Baillie

Following your Digital Schools Award Scotland validation visit by Alan Yeoman, I am delighted to inform you that North Rhins Partnership Schools – Leswalt Primary / Port Patrick Primary and Kirkcolm Primary have been successful in their application to become Digital Schools in Scotland.

On behalf of all the partners involved in the Digital Schools Award Scotland I would like to congratulate the schools on achieving this award.

I enclose the validation report which summarises the validator’s view of the extent to which the schools addressed the award criteria.   The Digital School Award is recognised by Education Scotland.

We are confident that North Rhins Partnership will be a pioneer among schools where digitally enhanced teaching and learning is helping our children and young people prepare for living and working in the 21st Century.

Kind regards

Aoife O’Connor
Programme Coordinator
Digital Schools Award Scotland

This award is recognised by Education Scotland.  Only one other school in the whole of Dumfries and Galloway has this award currently.
Thank you must go to all staff and pupils for their hard work and willingness in this work – they are indeed a “pioneer among schools”. 
Our team may be small – but is mighty!

Barvember at Portpatrick

The boys and girls in P1-4 at Portpatrick Primary have been busy learning all about how Bar Models can help us with our maths reasoning. By Drawing out the bar we are able to decipher what mathematical process is required to solve the problem.

Today we took on Q1 and Q2 of White Rose Maths #Barvember challenge. Each Day a new challenge is uploaded. I think we are starting to get the hang of it now !

Book Week – The Gruffalo

Yesterday we participated in The BBC Authors Live Event in partnership with Book Week Scotland where pupils were able to listen to James Robertson and Catriona Lexy Campbell read out renditions of The Gruffalo in both Scots and Gaelic.

There were lots of giggles as we discussed our favourite Scots words and we even learnt some new Gaelic words.

We were lucky enough to be watching Live and even Tweeted BBC Scotland Learning to let them know we were watching and we even got a little retweet.  If anyone who uses twitter would like to follow Miss McGeoch’s professional account the handle is @MissMcGeoch.

Book Week Scotland

As part of our Book Week Scotland celebrations (which runs from 18th-24th November), P1-3 parents were invited into school this afternoon as part of the Bookbug (P1) / Read, Write, Count (P2-3) initiatives. Parents spent time exploring the contents of the bags and discussing ways in which the resources could be used to develop pupils’ literacy and numeracy at home. We also had a look at the ‘Parent Club’ website which gives further examples of activities to do at home using the resources.

An excited bunch of P1-3 pupils then joined us and were gifted with their bags. Pupils were desperate to get into their bags and see what it contained! Having sat patiently, we then headed to the classroom where pupils explored the goodies they were given – some were reading books; others were playing games of rockets & meteors or top trumps; and some were using story cubes to create imaginative silly stories!

Later in the week to continue the Book Week Scotland celebrations, P4-7 pupils will be doing some paired reading with P1-3, as suggested by the Pupil Council, and some pupils will be watching the Authors Live event which tells the story of the Gruffalo in Scots. We are all looking forward to getting together to enjoy some stories and share in our love of reading!


On Friday the 15th November the boys and girls at Portpatrick Primary helped to raise money for BBC Children In Need. Our theme this year was “Pudsey goes to

work”. Pupils came to school dressed up as what they wanted to be when they grow up. There were some magnificent costumes, from YouTube sensations to Artists and Vets. Pupils brought in cakes for the cake sale, participated in the colouring competition and even tried to guess the name of the bear.

At 10:30am the whole school invited in Mums, Dads, Grannies and Grandads to join in with our “Pan

cakes for Pudsey” event. Pupils made pancakes in t

he morning and then decorated th

em with some delicious toppings.

Well done to Primary 1-4 who organised the fundraising as part of their topic this term.  A special thank you to Alba, Izzy and Lewis who brought in cakes for the cake sale and everyone who came along to support the event.

The total amount raised was … £ 222.42

Phenomenal amount for such a small school !

Winners ;

Colouring Competition- Tilly

Guess the name of the bear – Ros


Best Dressed p1-4 – Stephen (P1) Doctor

Best dressed p4-7 – Findlay (P7) YouTuber



to follow…

Portpatrick Team Photo

The BIG event , Pancakes with Pudsey


Our Prize Winners….

Sumdog Maths Challenge – Well done Izzy!

Top 10 Players
School Ranking

Well done to Isabella White for being ranked 9th in the top ten student Sumdog players in this week’s regional Sumdog’s online maths challenge!

1530 pupils participated with 401,864 maths questions answered. So this is no small feat by Izzy!

P4-7 also achieved a high ranking; 14th on the class leader board from 112 class entries (70 qualifying).  Keep on calculating!

#Successful learners





Technology To Enhance Literacy

P4-7 have been having a great time exploring new software to support their learning in literacy.

The children have been researching Christmas traditions in France as part of our Modern Languages topic for this term.  We have used Book Creator to publish an information book on their findings.

We selected a template design, imported appropriate images, recorded pronunciations and used the ‘read to me’ function to dictate auto text entry.

We have created a library of our books.  Your child will be sending you an email with an invitation link in it to allow you to view their personal creation. Why not scan the QR below to have a read of some examples for yourself!  There may even be a song to entertain you from Ruby and Maya.

#Successful Learners

Ruby and Maya
Rose and Alfie
Ava Lily



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