The great adventurers week 23

This week the ABC and beyond word was spring. We talked about this being the time when the trees and plants start to grow. The children make their own spring flowers and trees practising their cutting skills on paper plates.

The social goal from last week was helping others. The children worked in their group helping one another to piece together parts of a jigsaw.

In numeracy the children enjoyed participating in number nursery rhymes using puppets to help them count. They practised counting on and counting back and using their knowledge of the number sequence to find missing numbers.

Lara and Leila-Rose were identifying numbers and counting out quantities to match the pictures.

Gracie was sequencing numbers to 20  with support. She then worked on a jigsaw counting out quantities and finding the number which matched the quantity.

Nieve, ford and Aleks were working together to  sequence numbers to 20. One of them took numbers away and closed the gap whilst the other one shut their eyes. They used their knowledge of the number sequence orally to find the missing numbers.

In the garden we got a delivery of some new construction blocks for outside. The children enjoyed creating obstacle course.

Lacey and Oscar were helping Katie to move some slabs in the garden showing great team work.

Some children were practising riding bikes whilst others enjoyed playing on the tractor.

Some children enjoyed playing hide and seek in the garden whilst others enjoyed climbing.

Harleigh was practising throwing towards a target and could identify individual digits.

Radwan has showed persistence and determination practising riding his bike and he can now do this himself without stabilisers. We are so proud of his achievement.

Dalia built a castle and became queen of the castle. Lewis joined her and became the king of the castle.

Jorgie, Jack and Kayla enjoyed exploring the sand with the animals.

Dahlia was sharing a story with her friends Jacob and Eva.

Jack, Jessica, Emilia and Dahlia used paper to create their own cones filling the cones with playdough to make ice creams.

The children got together to share ideas on what they could use the boxes from the delivery to make. They shared their ideas and had a vote. they decided to make a robot. Lots of children had great fun working together to decorate the body of the robot.

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