The great adventurers 7.11.19

In ABC and beyond the children have been continuing to explore Supertato.  They explored where vegetables come from when playing with vegetables on the farm. Some children identified that vegetables can be grown in gardens.

This week their ABC and beyond sparkle word was broccoli. They had the opportunity to try carrots, broccoli, cucumber and peas and vote for their favourite one. In their groups they created a pictogram and talked about which vegetables were the most and least popular. All of the children’s votes will be put together to create a whole nursery pictogram.

One of the main characters in Supertato is Evil Pea who escapes from the freezer and traps the other vegetables. The children have been developing their fine motor skills by catching the evil peas using different sized tweezers and placing the peas in Numicon shapes.

Some children have shown an interest in playing big board games in the garden. This was extended inside playing snakes and ladders and then using other boards to support children to play games independently. They have been developing their turn taking skills and been practising counting when using the dice and moving their counter around the board. Some children challenged themselves by using more than one dice and adding them together.

They have also been developing skills in sharing and talking to others completing puzzles together and playing snap.

Jacob has been identifying numbers to 20 and counting each dot to match the quantity to the number.

In group time, children have been looking at different aspects of number. Some children have been practising the number sequence to 10 using songs. Other children have been focusing on recognising numbers up to 5 or 10. Another group have been identifying 2 quantities and adding them to find out how many they have altogether.


In the water tray, the children have shown an interest in sea creatures. They have been identifying different animal names, finding animals that matched and comparing the size of different creatures.

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