The little explorers 31.10.19

The children enjoyed sensory play exploring leaves and pumpkins. Some children filled up the pumpkins with leaves.

They also painted leaves using these to print pictures.

They used the pumpkin seeds in the home corner making food for their friends.

They were developing their fine motor skills through decorating biscuits for Halloween.

Jessica and Rebecca enjoyed exploring a story finding worms on each page.

In the garden they continue to develop their gross motor skills playing on the bikes. They have also been building their own obstacle courses providing opportunities for them to climb.

Some children showed an interest in walking around the edge of the sandpit developing their balancing skills.

The children have been talking about colour sorting different objects by colour. They are developing their self-help skills using the tongs which they use when serving their own snack.

Jessica was exploring the pebbles in the water tray. She lined them up and looked at the different sizes she had.

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