The little explorers 15.11.19

Some of the children have been building with a range of loose parts problem solving to get one piece to fit on top of the other and developing their fine motor skills.

A number of children  explored the home corner transporting playdough and using it to make their own food. They were sharing the food with one another and looking after the baby too.

Joshua has shown a real interest in dinosaurs and was keen to look at the dinosaur book to find out more.

The children used the paint pens to make their own firework pictures on Bonfire night.

Together they serve and share a healthy snack and are encouraged to try new foods.

A number of the children are starting to show a real interest in stories selecting a story of their choice from the home corner and seeking out an adult to share the story with them.

Some of the boys have been investigating the construction blocks showing perseverance when building high towers and problem solving when the blocks fall down.

Riley has been developing her cutting skills through cutting up playdough.

Some of the children have shown an interest in completing puzzles developing their fine motor skills as they work out how to fit pieces together.

Kane was identifying the shapes of puzzle pieces and finding the matching shape on the board where each piece would fit.

Lewis and Tyler decided to play in the tepee taking the fire truck inside so they could play with it.

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