crofting connections Strachur

Tighnabruaich, Toward and Strachur Primary schools had an amazing day at Strachur Memorial Hall taking part in a Crofting Connections day.
There were various activities such as felting, quilting and willow and paper weaving. We enjoyed tasting fish and sea food and learning about the salmon’s life-cycle. We found out how to ‘waulk’ the cloth, card wool, use drop spindles, weave, and learned lots of sheep and wool facts. Continue reading crofting connections Strachur

‘Rabbie Burns Day at DPS’

On Friday 25th of January, P5 had a great Burns Supper. We had shortbread and Irn Bru. The entertainment of the day was the fiddle by Skye and Anna, Highland Dancing by Tina and Emma, Chanter by Lili, Leagha, Amie O, Poem by Graham – ‘To a Mouse’. The Class Danced the Virginia Reel. The songs were ‘Coulters Candy’, and Auld Lang Syne. Continue reading ‘Rabbie Burns Day at DPS’

Rothesay Primary P7 Burns Supper

On the 25th of January, the Primary 7 classes of Rothesay Primary School had their Burns Supper at Mount Stuart. A group from our class went out to Mount Stuart to set up the venue, including ‘red, red roses’ at each table. We were so lucky to have such a beautiful venue for our Burns Supper! Mount Stuart also helped us out at the last minute by providing their mini-bus (plus driver) when we realised ours had been double booked! Thank you everyone at Mount Stuart for accommodating us. Continue reading Rothesay Primary P7 Burns Supper

Burns Supper at Castlehill Primary School

As part of their Topic “Scotland’s Influence on the World”, primary 5/6 have been studying the literature of Robert Burns and on Friday 25th January they held a Burns Supper in their class. All the children were involved and enthusiastically volunteered to recite poems, sing, dance or serve the meal of haggis, neeps and tatties, followed by shortbread. Continue reading Burns Supper at Castlehill Primary School

Rockfield Burns celebration

The children in Rockfield showed off a wealth of talent to celebrate Burns’ day. Our Clan Captains started the celebrations by giving the whole school some information about the life of Burns at a whole school assembly and then each of the four clans within the school hosted their own cèilidh. The children were invited to perform either something Scottish or something related to Robert Burns at their cèilidh and each child who performed was awarded points for their clan. Continue reading Rockfield Burns celebration

Rabbie Burns visits Kilninver

Rabbie Burns was the latest famous Scot to venture into Kilninver’s time machine.
The children learned many interesting facts about his life and works when Mr Jim Robb, a Burns enthusiast from Arduaine came to visit.
He is standing at the back of this photo and if you look really closely you will see Tam O’Shanter twice!
The first Tam is in the painting hanging in the background and the other is on our visitor’s head.

New SCIAF Gaelic Resources launched in Oban High School

A new set of five, 4-colour posters aimed at encouraging young people to become active global citizens have been produced in Gaelic by SCIAF and will be distributed to schools across Scotland where Gaelic is used and taught. SCIAF and Rosemary Ward from the Gaelic Books Council presented to Gaelic fluent pupils and Gaelic senior pupils on Monday 14th January. Continue reading New SCIAF Gaelic Resources launched in Oban High School

Free fruit trees for Minard Primary

The children from Minard Primary School were delighted to receive an email this morning announcing their successful application for free orchard trees for their Garden of Tranquility. Stephen Mozier, Development Officer for ‘Grounds for Learning’ said they had had a huge response to their offer and only 100 schools in Scotland had been successful. Everyone is looking forward to receiving the apple and plum trees next month and feel they will be a fantastic feature for the garden.


The children of Minard Primary welcomed guests to help them celebrate the life and works of Robert Burns on Friday 25th January. The haggis was piped in by Mr Johnny Beattie and ‘The Address to the Haggis’ was performed by Mr John Orr. The children from P6 and P7 had previously visited the Burns Museum in Alloway the week before. The whole school enjoyed a delicious meal of haggis, neeps and tatties prepared by Ms Rhona McKenzie from Furnace Primary washed down with our other National drink and topped off with a scrumptious portion of Mrs Sweeney’s clootie dumpling and cream. During the afternoon the children enjoyed a singalong of Burns’ songs and a viewing of a DVD about The Bard’s life. Continue reading BURNS CELEBRATION AT MINARD PRIMARY!

Ultimate Questions!

S1/2 students of Tobermory High School met for their latest RME Conference Day. The day’s theme was Ultimate Questions and involved a lot of deep thinking for students and staff. Listening to Johnny Nash the group reflected that there are indeed “more questions than answers” as they began the first task of the day which was to build a tower in their groups – the catch was they were allowed to communicate only by questions… Although all groups produced towers all admitted that the task had been very difficult, especially as there were time penalties when statements were made, in fact some students were reduced to silence and mime for some of the time. Continue reading Ultimate Questions!

Gruffalo Woodland Adventure leads to a John Muir Trust Award

The Primary Learning Centre pupils of Rockfield Primary, Oban have enjoyed learning outdoors over the last three months in partnership with the Stramash team. We based our activities around the woodland characters from the children’s classic story “The Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson.
Pupils were able to work collaboratively and individually in the woodland setting at Glencruitten, developing problem-solving and risk assessment skills. Continue reading Gruffalo Woodland Adventure leads to a John Muir Trust Award

SNAPBERRY AND MOBY with Lochgilphead High School

The continued collaboration between Lochgilphead High School and SNH has reached new heights this month with the launch on VIMEO of the Snapberries video, a celebration of Snapberry Projects from 2009—2013. As part of Year of Natural Scotland this short film is a celebration of the Snapberry project showing a selection of the photos taken by students aged between 14 and 17. We’re very grateful to Moby for allowing us to use “Homeward Angel” as soundtrack. Continue reading SNAPBERRY AND MOBY with Lochgilphead High School

Bunessan choir and chanters.

Bunessan Primary School P6/7 choir and chanter players entertained the local community at the Christmas Community Cafe held in December 2012. The choir, The Gracenotes, sang a variety of popular Christmas carols including verses that they composed themselves while the chanter group played Amazing Grace. Whilst there, the P5’s were resposible for selling Christmas cards that the children had designed to raise money for school funds. All present had a great time and the children were praised for representing their school within the local community. Continue reading Bunessan choir and chanters.

Rhunahaorine Rockets

Children at Rhunahaorine primary school took part in a Stargazing Live event organised by West Kintyre Stargazers. The first week of term was extremely busy as we learned all about the constellations we can see from Kintyre, imagined what it would be like to travel in space and created rockets using the tubes from fizzy vitamin C tablets. We had a test launch on Friday 11th January and parents and children took part in the open event at the Putechan hotel on Sunday 13th. Everyone enjoyed themselves and learned a lot about what there is to see if you just look up! Continue reading Rhunahaorine Rockets