Category Archives: Projects

Scottish Book Week at Dalintober PS and ELCC

Dalintober P7 SBW 4Pupils in Dalintober PS and ELCC recognised and celebrated Scottish Book Week through a whole-school project which culminated in a ‘Sharing Our Learning’ assembly. Activities included reading and voting on the finalised books for the book awards, ‘Dress as your favourite book character’, reading and creating Scots’ texts and researching the history of Scots’ language and the meanings of key words and phrases.

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Park Primary 3 visit OHS Science Department!

Science OHS 1Primary 3 from Park Primary school recently made two trips to visit the Oban High Science department as part of their project on the States of Matter. They had a fantastic time learning about the changing states of matter and exploring materials that are soluble and insoluble.

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Strone Primary Attends Taste for Tourism Conference.

Strone PS Taste for Tourism eventAs part of their Food for Thought project, funded by Education Scotland, Strone Primary School took five P5-7 pupils, Mackenzie, Romily, Millie, Duncan and Theo to the Taste for Tourism Conference in Oban last week. Two other Argyll schools, Ulva Primary and Ardrishaig were also presenting work at the event. Strone pupils organised their own stall, with a presentation of their work about local produce, and took baskets of delicious Apple and Bramble flapjacks they had made, to sell at the event.
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P6/5 work with Dunoon Community Radio

DPS Community Radio 1As part of this term’s enterprise project to set up and run a 60s themed pop-up shop, the children in P6/5 contacted the local radio station to see if they could record a radio advert. Victor and his team were only too willing to help and the class have had two fantastic workshops to learn about the necessary information to be included in the advert and the recording process. Yesterday, the children were very excited to record their advert and Victor and Dave will now take this back to the studio and add the 60s backing tracks before the advert is launched.
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Drumlemble & Carradale Primary Schools – 2015 Campbeltown Museum Exhibition

Drumlemble  & Carradale CM Primary School Exhibition 2015 2In late spring of this year, pupils from Drumlemble and Carradale Primary Schools took part in an innovative project created and delivered by the Kilmartin Museum education team. The main focus of the project, was the Campbeltown museum objects of the Iron Age/Early Historic period. The pupils enjoyed many days of input from the team and field archaeologist Roddy Regan as well as professional workshops with Lucinda Hopkinson, Sian MacQueen, Philip Price, Mandy Haggith and Jenny England.

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John Muir award success at Kilcreggan Primary School

Kilcreggan John Muir certificatesTen pupils from Kilcreggan primary recently achieved John Muir Discovery awards in recognition of their awareness and responsibility for wild places work. The pupils were all part of an after school club which met weekly last session and undertook various activities in and around the school grounds relating to discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing wild places.

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Blue Kangaroo Mid Argyll Transition Event

Mid Argyll Transiton 2015 2Mid Argyll schools and nurseries came together last week to celebrate their joint transition project , Blue Kangaroo with a very different parents’ night for P1 children. The project provided continuity and progress for children during their transition into P1. The learning started in nursery, with a wide variety of experiences, taking account of the children’s interests and involving parents and grandparents with one grandparent knitting a very special Blue Kangaroo.

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Rosneath Green Flag 2Rosneath Primary School pupils were so happy to “get their hands on” their very first Green Flag after an outstanding assessment report from Paula Love, Lead Assessor. They gathered together on a beautiful, sunny day (of which we don’t have that many!) out in the School grounds to show it off. We hope to have it flying high soon. As Julie Wilson , Education and Learning Manager (Keep Scotland Beautiful) said, “This is an outstanding achievement, congratulations to all.”


New Trim Trail for St. Joseph’s!

St Josephs TRIM TRAIL 1Monday 07 September was a day of great celebration at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. Thanks to the generosity of ‘Awards for All Scotland’, the school has just installed a brand new trim trail in the senior playground. The total cost of the work to date is slightly in excess of £11,500, £10,000 of which was given by the ‘Awards for All Scotland’ grant.

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Strone Primary School News

Strone PS FoodHere at Strone our whole school community is busy planning our new Interdisciplinary Topic for this term around the theme of Food.

With support from Education Scotland’s Food for Thought Funding, we aim to embed in our school community an understanding of food education which permeates all areas of school life, curriculum and home.

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£3000 charity windfall on offer thanks to DGS Young Philanthropists

Lynn Raynal from YPI Scotland at the DGS launch eventA local Cowal Charity will soon be £3000 better off thanks to the pupils of Dunoon Grammar School.
An innovative school based project, designed to encourage young people to think about prominent social issues and build strong partnerships with local charities was launched in Dunoon Grammar School on Monday, 24 August 2015.

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Dunoon Primary wins prizes at Strathclyde University

DPS reallysmallscience verion 3Pupils from Dunoon Primary School were invited to the reallysmallscience on tour celebration event, at the University of Strathclyde, on the 17th of June. Primary 7 pupils, Siobhan Simpson and Leagha Campbell lifted the trophy for the best 3D entry for the ‘science in everyday life’ image competition. P7 pupil, Lucia Westwood-Phillips also received a medal for her drawing entry to the competition.

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Local History Display – Glenbranter Forestry Office July 2015

Sandbank Glenbranter office 1Taisbeanach – Ard na Blathaich
Chuir clas 6/7 o Bhunsgoil Thaigh a’Chladaich crioch air an topaic aca mun eachdraidh ionadail le taisbeanach san oifis Coiltearachd Gleann a’Bhrandaidh o chionn ghoirid.
Sandbank Primary’s GM6/7 ended their topic on local history by setting up an exhibition in the Glenbranter Visitor Centre and Forestry Offices.

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‘Boswell and Johnson’

Lochgilphead HS K Cockburn Art and Poet 1Lochgilphead High School senior Art and PDA students working with the poet Ken Cockburn and Graphic artists Nicole Heidtke and Stefan Baumberger on a ‘Boswell and Johnson’ project through Creative Arts Scotland.

The project will continue during the Summer holidays and finished result uploaded in August…………….

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Furnace pupil wins a national art competition!

Furnace Abbie wins national art competitionEveryone at Furnace are delighted that our P7 pupil, Abbie Wallace, took the top prize in the nationwide TECHBOT Competition, after her artwork was selected from more than 4,000 entries. Abbie has won for her school a brand new ClassBuddy(tm) ‘Charge and Sync’ trolley from LapSafe® Products, with her artwork displayed as a graphic on the doors. Abbie has also won us 5 brand-new iPad Air’s complete with cases and an iPad and case for herself to take home. The iPad cases also display the winning artwork.
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Learning Centre @ Rockfield: We are going mad for DUCKS!

Rockfield PS LC Duck 1We have waited a very long 28 days for our duck eggs to hatch. Now they are finally here; and we think they are adorable! We have had so many pupils and staff members come to visit us and our ducklings. This term we have learnt about life cycles by hatching our ducklings and growing wonderful vegetables. It has been a fun term!

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Lighthouse Day at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober PS  LighthousePrimary 1 and Primary 2/1 have been reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. They had to make a model lighthouse and gather their own materials – Pringle tube, stones and driftwood. They spent an afternoon making beautiful lighthouses. Zena Coffield, Trust Manager of South Kintyre Development Trust kindly judged the lighthouses. There were eight winners and they each received a ‘Lighthouse Keeper’ story book. The winning lighthouses are on display in Zena’s shop window.

Park Primary 7s Scoop Enterprise Award

Park PS Enterprise Award 1Last term, as part of a whole-school enterprise overarching theme, Primary 7s at Park decided to enter the Blythswood Challenge, for the second year running. This enterprise challenge gives a £20 starter fund and 4 weeks to make it grow. The class decided to organise fundraising activities and settled on a Cutest Pet Competition, a Parent/Child Netball Tournament, Lunchtime Challenges, a Sponsored ‘Stay Awake’ and they also sold items on eBay. In total, these activities raised a staggering £1067.15!
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Butterflies….at Garelochhead Primary

Garelochhead Butterflies 1Primary 1 and Primary 3/2 at Garelochhead primary have been looking after butterflies. They watched them grow from very tiny caterpillars, to huge big ones, before they turned into chrysalises. The butterflies took their time turning into butterflies and then they were set free. Primary 3/2 collected lots of natural things from the garden to make the butterflies at home in their habitat. The classes were very excited to see that the butterflies liked to eat fruit. Both classes enjoyed exploring the life cycle through observations of the real thing.

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