Category Archives: Personal Development

Girl Power at Castlehill

Castlehill Girl PowerGirl Power!
Castlehill Primary’s P5-7 girls have enjoyed after school SOS fitness sessions over the last few weeks. Fiona and Morgan Irwin have provided a varied programme of activities including dance, boxing and the much loved boot camp experience! Castlehill Primary School wants to motivate its pupils to keep fit and active, and to improve social and emotional wellbeing.
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Technologies Showcase at Innellan Primary

Innellan Tech Showcase 2Pupils from Toward, Innellan, St Muns and Dunoon, supported by Gary Clark and Steven Simpson have been learning how to write computer code. Dunoon has been using Lego WeDo and the other schools have been using Kudo. The progress and improvements in the pupils independent working and problem solving has been fantastic and the pupils over a period of a few weeks have managed to develop a wide range of simple to complex games.

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Science fun resonating round Achaleven!

Gravity-defying structures, precious egg-bundles and musical mayhem were the order of the day on Tuesday when Kilchrenan and Barcaldine Primaries joined Achaleven for a celebration of science and technology as part of British Science Week.

Teamwork was required to figure out how to protect their prized eggs from damage whilst being dropped from great heights, whilst some amazing feats of architecture were created from spaghetti and marshmallows!
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Inter-Schools Athletics Competition

Rockfield Athletics March 2016 4Rockfield ‘A’ Team Lifts the Prize!
Rockfield competed in and won the inter-schools athletics competition held recently at Atlantis Leisure. The competition was broken down into a Rural Schools challenge and an Oban Schools challenge, with the three top teams from each of these events going through to the final. The pupils were able to participate in a wide variety of events and really enjoyed being part of a team. A fantastic result!

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Colgrain Primary School early and first level Technology Day

Colgrain Technology Day 1On Friday 11th March, Colgrain Primary School had their early and first level Technology Day. The event saw the introduction of our fantastic new iPads, which have been purchased through funding bids and fundraising. To coincide with World Book Day, children dressed up as their favourite book character and used iPad apps to investigate books and stories. Pupils worked collaboratively within mixed stage groups, to create fun posters, comic strips, animation movies and books.

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Postgraduate study in Physical Activity for Health. Interested in CPD courses?

3128164-bluish-gymnastics-iconIncrease your knowledge and enhance your career prospects!
The University of Edinburgh offers a range of options for the study of physical activity for health that aim to increase knowledge and understanding of the global issues pertinent to physical activity for health and enhance opportunities for employment in a number of physical activity related careers. Continue reading Postgraduate study in Physical Activity for Health. Interested in CPD courses?

Helensburgh Rotary Club Competition winners

Kilcreggan PS Rotary Comp 1Kilcreggan Primary School are celebrating the wonderful achievement of two pupils this week. Sam Holt, Primary 5, and Agnes Borland Sinclair, Primary 7 both won gold medals in the Helensburgh Rotary Club Writing Competition. Sam won the junior section while Agnes was intermediate section winner. Both stories will now go forward to the National Rotary Club Schools Writing Competition.

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Children’s Author visits Strone Primary School

Strone Childrens author visit 1A warm welcome was given to children’s author Simon Puttock when he spent the afternoon in school as part of his visit to Cowal.
Simon is the author of Mouse’s First Night at Moonlight School which has just won the Bookbug Readers 3-7 years category at the Scottish Book Trust Awards.

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World Book Day Celebrations at Luing

World Book Day at Luing 1To celebrate World Book Day every pupil came dressed as a character from one of their favourite books, we had a friendly pirate, a fireman, a ladybird, Burglar Bill, a tiger, Fantastic Mr Fox and Mrs Fox as well as characters from Harry Potter.

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ASN PE Event 19th March 2016

3128164-bluish-gymnastics-iconPlease find below information about the Education Scotland ASN PE event on Saturday 19th March.

Additional Support Needs Physical Education Event – 19th March 2016
Isobel Mair School, East Renfrewshire, G77 6NB
ASN Event programme

Directions to Isobel Mair School
Please complete the sign up link HERE AND the workshop link – Workshop Choice Survey monkey is – HERE

Rockfield Celebrates World Book Day!

Rockfield World Book Day 1Rockfield Primary School held a very successful World Book Day celebration on Thursday 3rd March 2016. Pupils and staff participated by dressing as their favourite fictional character and bringing in books to swap. We would like to thank everyone who brought in books, as we gathered so many that every child from Primary One to Primary Seven was given the opportunity to take home a book of their choice, a wonderful success!

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World Book Day at Strachur

Strachur World Book Day 1 MARCH 2016Strachur Primary and Pre-5 had so much fun celebrating World Book Day last Thursday. Staff and pupils dressed as their favourite character from a book and we shared snippets from our favourite books from home. The Pre-5 children enjoyed a Bookbug session in the morning and the older pupils read to our P1-2 in the afternoon. We have also spent some money on a new library for the school – house captains helped organise the books and everyone got to take one home on loan. It was a very busy day!
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Luss WRI Visit

Luss WRI Visit 1 Rhys - WRIMrs Thomson and Mrs Buchanan from Luss WRI visited the school recently to judge the children’s creations for their WRI competition. Each year the children make something for the ladies to judge and the winners are presented with a trophy. This year Rhys from P5 won the P4-7 category with his flower press and Lucy from P3 won the P1-3 category with her basket.

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Mid-Argyll pupil council ‘Reading is Fun’ event

Furnace and Minard  Reading is fun 1 Pupil councilThe children in the Mid-Argyll pupil council have been working together over the last few months to organise a ‘Reading is Fun’ event.
They ran two competitions, one for children in 1st level and one for 2nd Level to come up with a book character to encourage reading in these age groups.

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Park Primary Fairtrade Fortnight

Park Fairtrade Big Breakfast Assembly 1Over the last ten days Park Primary School has gone Fairtrade crazy! Fairtrade Fortnight was kicked off with a Fairtrade themed assembly hosted by the Eco Group. All children wore their pyjamas as the assembly, which followed this year’s theme of ‘Sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers!’ Then on Friday 4th March there was a Fairtrade snack day where all children and staff were encouraged to bring or purchase a Fairtrade snack at the Fairtrade themed tuck shop, opened and run by the Primary 7s over the fortnight!

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Drumlemble and Carradale Primary School news

Drumlemble and Carradale World Book day 1World book day was celebrated in style by the children and staff at Drumlemble and Carradale Primary Schools. Everyone rose to the occasion and came to school dressed as a book character. These ranged from Gangster Granny, to Katy Morag and even the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.

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Dunoon Primary ‘A’ Team Win Inter School Volleyball Tournament

Dunoon volleyball 1 March 2016Dunoon Primary won the annual inter Primary School tournament on Wednesday 2nd March organised by Mrs McLean. The teams From Kirn, St Mun’s, Strachur, Lochgoilhead, Tighnabruaich and Sandbank were a credit to their schools as they played with skill and enjoyed the day! Dunoon A and B teams both fought hard to get to the semi finals. the draw was made and they ended up playing each other to put one team through to the final round.

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Rockfield Hits The Target!

Rockfield Maths Festival 2016 (1)Ten primary 7 pupils from Rockfield Primary School participated in the Oban High School Maths Festival 2016. The ten pupils were put into teams consisting of two S1 ex-Rockfield pupils and two P7 Rockfield pupils. The competition was split into two parts and one of the Rockfield teams won one section, after a closely fought tie breaker question, which saw another Rockfield team come second. What a great result! Thanks again to Oban High School for organising this event.

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