Category Archives: Communities

: Aladdin! What a show at Kirn Primary

The combined P5,6 and P7 classes put on an outstanding show this week with some stellar performances from the hilarious Widow Twanky, the panto villain Abanazer, the love struck Aladdin and the lovely Princess Jasmine. A hugely professional, fun and uplifting performance, which as one audience member suggested, “was good enough for a Queen’s Hall production”.

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Commonwealth Games on Lismore

The North Lorn Primary Schools – Lismore, Strath of Appin, Ardchattan, Barcaldine along with Achaleven and Kilchrenan from further afield, held their own Commonwealth Games on Lismore on Thursday 5th June. Calmac very kindly ran two special ferries to accommodate the 70 visiting children together with staff and parents. The Games began with an Opening Ceremony where each school representing a different Commonwealth country paraded with a flag and a banner before performing a dance or song from their chosen nation.

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Christian Aid Netball/Football

Cardross Primary were the winners at the recent Christian Aid Netball Tournament organised by Mrs Clark from Garelochhead Primary. The standard of play was amazing with St Joseph’s, Rhu, Colgrain and Cardross in the semi-final stages. Cardross were given a tough match against Colgrain Primary in the final. It was a great event and many thanks to all of the players, coaches and volunteers at the event.
Cardross haven’t lifted the trophy since 2001 and we were delighted!

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For the last six weeks pupils from P5-P7 have been taking drumming lessons from Roddy, a member of the CAST team and today saw the final performance. Pupils and parents were invited to attend and we had a packed audience. Everyone had such a great time. There was clapping, cheering and even dancing in aisles. Our band has now been invited to join the Sea Change Festival Parade on Saturday 21st June, so if you want a fun day out go along and join in (details in local press).


Oban Pupils Present Prize-winning Gaelic Drama

Pupils from Rockfield Primary School’s P1-4 Gaelic classes performed a prize-winning play at the recent Argyll and Lochaber Gaelic Drama Festival, held in Oban’s Corran Halls.

The children presented ‘An t-Each Acrach’ about a very hungry horse, and were delighted that their performance was awarded the prize for best costumes and props.

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Troll Hunting on Inchcailloch Island

Helen Kennedy, Park Ranger, got in touch with The Sunshine Room Nurture Group at Parklands School to ask for their help with some anti-social trolls on Inchcailloch Island, the trolls were causing all sorts of havoc but the pupils were able to show off their troll hunting skills and teach them to respect their habitat. We also had time to look at some native wildlife, toast marshmallows on a campfire and play some team games on the beach.

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Local residents of Kirn witnessed a welcoming sight last Friday afternoon (30 May 2014) as an army of school litter pickers took to the streets with one mission – to clean up the town.
Over 100 S1 pupils and staff – equipped with grippers and high visibility jackets supplied by the school’s facilities management providers Mitie – worked tirelessly scooping up and bagging litter from the school’s surrounding neighbourhood.


Blythswood Enterprise Challenge

Primary 7 at Park School recently took part in the Blythswood Enterprise competition. For this, they were given £20 to start a business in order to raise money to provide fire engines in Eastern Europe. The class had 4 weeks to make this money grow so they decided to create a moustache themed stationery shop.

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Family Day at St Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit

What a great day was had by all on Thursday 29 May as St. Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit opened its doors not only to parents but, this time, also to other members of each child’s family too! We were delighted to see grannies and grandas as well as aunties and uncles join in.

After registration the reticent newcomers to the Pre-5 Unit got their sleeves rolled up and joined in with gusto! There were grannies at the sand pit and grandas at the reading corner – a really magical ‘buzz’ of learning and fun was palpable!
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Minard’s Mystery Balloons

The pupils of Minard Primary have a mystery to solve. As they arrived at school on Wednesday morning they discovered a host of red balloons attached to their willow den! This resulted in much excitement and laughter but also a need to know their origin. Each balloon is emblazoned with the message ‘new menu now available’. Can anyone assist us in discovering their true owner?

: P2 Open Afternoon at Castlehill

Primary 2 presented the story of ‘Little Moon’ to their parents at an Open Afternoon on Friday. All the children took an active part in this presentation and proudly showed their parents all that they had been learning throughout this Day/Night/Space Topic. Parents then had the opportunity to look around the classroom and open area at all the work covered in this Interdisciplinary Topic before sampling some of the Alien snacks the children had made.

Rockfield Egyptian Day

To celebrate the end of their topic, both Primary 3 classes in Rockfield Primary enjoyed an Ancient Egyptian morning which was packed full of activities. They tasted healthy Egyptian food, designed an Egyptian tunic, made a scarab beetle biscuit, had their faces painted and decorated Egyptian jewellery.
In the afternoon, the children had a book launch for their Egyptian adventure stories. Parents and carers came along to join in the fun and were extremely impressed with the children’s hard work.

Oliver’ Performance at Park Primary

Staff, pupils, and parents were treated to a very enjoyable musical performance by Mrs Lind’s P5 class during their recent production of “Oliver’. The class had been studying ‘The Victorians’, and had spent several weeks working very hard to learn their songs and lines. Several children sang solo parts and were highly praised for their lovely singing voices – some stars of the future we think!

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PSP Launch at St Joseph’s Family Learning Centre

One of only two new Family Learning Centres in Argyll and Bute, St Joseph’s Primary School’s Family Leaning Centre played host to ‘Children First’ as they launched their new PSP (Public Social partnership) initiative in Helensburgh today. A number of local dignitaries including MSP Jackie Bailey and Council Lead for Education, Aileen Morton attended the launch as Bryan Evans (Children First Assistant Director) presented information on the new initiative. Continue reading PSP Launch at St Joseph’s Family Learning Centre

P2 Pupils from Castlehill visit local Co-op

Primary 2 from Castlehill Primary School enjoyed a visit from the Co-op who talked about the environment and Fairtrade Products and the children entered a Green schools Competition. Their Eco pictures were displayed in the foyer of the Co-op during the Easter holidays.
The children then visited the Co-op and would like to thank the staff for their kind donation of seeds and compost for their school garden and also for the Easter treats.

Garelochhead Primary, IMAGINARY CITY – MR M ANGUS

An inspired parent, Mr Michael Angus, offered his expertise and came to Garelochhead Primary to teach us about Architecture. We created imaginary cities based on our visions for the future. We had to describe our vision to others and they had to put our ideas onto a visual drawing.

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Rhu Primary School Primary 3 Streetfeet

Primary 3 pupils in Rhu Primary School took part in ‘Streetfeet’, a pedestrian training scheme. The scheme consisted of 3 training sessions, the first of which involved role play in the hall and the subsequent two sessions involved kerbside training outside. The children were encouraged to think about how to choose a safe place to cross the road and learned how to cross safely between parked cars.

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P2 Viking Open Afternoon

Primary Two at Rhu Primary recently held an Open Afternoon with parents, to celebrate the completion of their Viking topic. Pupils enjoyed showcasing their learning, which included literacy, art and technology work. They also displayed their musical talents, performing Thor the Thunderer and Odin’s Daughters! Parents joined in with various activities including food tasting, internet research, interactive games, map work and decoding Viking runes. It was a very exciting end to a very successful topic!

The Great Escape at Rhu Primary

Primary 1 at Rhu lovingly made and decorated teddy bears, as part of their Toyland topic. The children were delighted with the results and couldn’t wait to take them home.
However, those teddies had other ideas and kept escaping. One day they just disappeared. Imagine the pupils’ surprise when their teddies turned up at ‘Helensburgh Toy Shop’. Fiona was happy to look after the teddies but was exhausted chasing after them and trying to serve customers at the same time.
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DGS pupil Shannon Brings Sunshine to Kirn Nursery

One of the four focuses (or capacities) of The Curriculum for Excellence is to encourage pupils to become effective contributors to their communities. What better way to do this than to volunteer some time to help out at a local nursery school. This is what Shannon Lyon, S5 pupil at Dunoon Grammar School and full time pupil in the learning centre, has been doing since August 2013.

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