Category Archives: Communities

On the Road to Rio!

Tarbert PS Road to Rio 1Pupils in Primary 7/6 at Tarbert Academy have taken up the Team GB challenge of running the distance to Rio de Janeiro (9450 km from Tarbert) before the Olympic Games there next summer. Running three mornings a week, counting distances run in PE lessons and they are nearly 5% of the way there! After four weeks of running pupils have noticed a definite improvement in their fitness and are enjoying running as a great start to their day.

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DGS Learning Centre Sponsored Walk

dgslearningcentresponsoredwalk12On Thursday 3rd of September all the learning centre pupils from Dunoon Grammar went on a sponsored walk. Pupils and staff set of from School down Kirn Brae, along the front all the way to Bullwood Nature Trail, near Innellan. Some senior pupils supported the younger pupils, keeping them safe and happy as part of their youth Achievement Award.

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Bowmore’s Show-stopping Success!

school 004We are so proud of our Bowmore pupils and their achievements. We know they work hard in school and we also know how hard working and dedicated they are outside school! During the holidays, these children attended our popular Islay, Jura and Colonsay Agricultural Show. Our pupils worked hard and were rewarded with prizes galore! Continue reading Bowmore’s Show-stopping Success!

Strone Primary School News

Strone PS FoodHere at Strone our whole school community is busy planning our new Interdisciplinary Topic for this term around the theme of Food.

With support from Education Scotland’s Food for Thought Funding, we aim to embed in our school community an understanding of food education which permeates all areas of school life, curriculum and home.

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P1 Parents Lunch at St. Joseph’s

St Joes P1 Parents Lunch 1St. Joseph’s got off to a flying start last week with the first event of the session, the P1 Parents’ Lunch. Parents had been informed of the date during Induction Day in May last session in order to secure as many parents as possible could manage along to join their child for lunch…..and it paid off! What a turn out of parents!

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The Cottage Kindergarten

The Cottage Kindergarten Sophia and Oliver Art Comp June 2015The Cottage Kindergarten wins three prizes in prestigious Art Competition!!
All of the pupils at The Cottage Kindergarten in Helensburgh entered a piece of artwork in the nursery category of the Tesco Bank/National Gallery of Scotland Art Competition during the summer term. The title of the entries for this age group was ‘Shoes.’

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Dunoon Primary win UK Kodu Kup 2015!!

DPS Win table kodu 2015Hands up – which Scottish primary school took on 300 schools from all over the UK and won hands down?

Dunoon Primary School, who fought off the cream of game designers from Scotland, England and Wales to bring home the Kodu Kup, Microsoft UK’s computer programming competition- bringing the prize to Scotland for the first time.

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John Logie Baird Touch Ruby Winners

JLB Rubgy WinnersPrimary 4 children across Helensburgh and Lomond have been taking part in a Touch Rugby training programme through Active Schools this term. All schools entered a competition within this programme to link the number of passes they could do without dropping the ball.

John Logie Baird Primary are delighted to have won this competetion with 25 passes. Here they are being presented with the winner’s cup by Adam from Active Schools.

Furnace and Inveraray P6/7’s enjoy their week at Benmore

Furnace and Minard Benore mid-argyll groupThe children in Primary 6 and 7 in Furnace and Inveraray Primaries joined together to enjoy a week of outdoor activities at Benmore Outdoor centre last week. They abseiled, gorge walked,completed an orienteering challenge, kayaked and took to the waters of Loch Eck in canoes. They also went for a late night swim in the Loch and ended a busy week with mountain biking before getting dressed up for the disco! They all admitted they had achieved much more than they thought they could and they had a lot to be proud of.

Rosneath go on Safari!

Rosneath Safari 1Primary 1 pupils and parents from Rosneath enjoyed a fabulous outing to Blair Drummond Safari Park. They were joined by the Pre5 children that will be starting school in August. The children had the opportunity to see a variety of exotic animals, such as: elephants, chimpanzees, rhinos, zebras, meerkats and many more. In the pet farm they enjoyed petting goats, donkeys and ponies.

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Ardrishaig Primary are Millennium Cup Champions!

Ardrishaig Football 1 2015-06-18 ArdrishaigArdrishaig Primary School Football Club travelled all the way to Campbeltown to compete in the Millennium Cup this week and they were delighted to come home as champions. The team included children from P4-7, captained by Robbie in P7. They remained unbeaten throughout the night with 4 wins and 1 draw. Each player received a medal and the school will hold onto the cup for this year.

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Celebrating Success at The Sunshine Room

Parklands School Celebrting SuccessParents were invited to The Sunshine Room Nurture Group at Parklands School to celebrate achievements made through the term. Parents looked through pupils’ “My Book of Success” before enjoying a DVD showing the childrens hard work through the term. Darren Sibbald and Dylan Jackson were also presented with certificates for their achievement in completing their time at The Sunshine Room.

DGS Grangemouth Success

DGS Grangemouth SuccessOn the 3rd of June 2015 some pupils from Dunoon Grammar School took part in Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics tournament in Grangemouth. Competitors from all over the country gather to race against each other. This is the fifth time that DGS pupils have participated.
Each competitor had three events which included 60m, 100m, shot putt, standing long jump and running long jump. The day was bright, windy and cold and perfect for competing. Continue reading DGS Grangemouth Success


Rosneath Primary School are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to share their latest success with everybody. Today, Monday 15th June, will stick in our minds for a long time to come because today is the day we earned our very first Eco Green Flag.

Children and adults alike were soooooooooooooooo excited when Paula Love (Assessor) came to school at 10.30. Two hours later, we were all celebrating!

We are hoping to receive our Flag before the end of Term so photos will follow!

P5 Wonka Factory Opens at Dunoon Primary School

DPS Wonka 1A few weeks ago the Primary 5s at Dunoon Primary School released 20 Golden Tickets into the community. The winners of these lucky tickets were invited to the Factory Opening on Thursday 4th June. At 2pm, the Primary 5s, dressed as characters from the novel “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” greeted the crowds of people and took them on a special tour.

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St. Joseph’s STEM Engineers!

St Josephs S.T.E.M 002Engineering was big on the agenda at St. Joseph’s this year with Mrs McLean leading developments in Technologies throughout the school. The children loved the creative aspect of engineering and were enthralled by the visits of many parents who are engineers giving presentations to the children about their jobs. Mrs McLean then took on the challenge of affording every pupil in the school the opportunity to apply for the STEM leadership award.

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Lighthouse Day at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober PS  LighthousePrimary 1 and Primary 2/1 have been reading ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. They had to make a model lighthouse and gather their own materials – Pringle tube, stones and driftwood. They spent an afternoon making beautiful lighthouses. Zena Coffield, Trust Manager of South Kintyre Development Trust kindly judged the lighthouses. There were eight winners and they each received a ‘Lighthouse Keeper’ story book. The winning lighthouses are on display in Zena’s shop window.

Tesco Football Fanatics!

RPS Tesco FootballThe pupils in Primary 1, 2 and 3 at Rothesay Primary are football fanatics after six weeks of training and skills development through the SFA and the Tesco Bank Football Challenge. Martin Rae was very pleased with how the boys and girls worked across the sessions and the support he had from all the staff. Rothesay Primary thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and would like to thank Martin for organising a local Festival of Football for us as a finale to the whole experience. Six lucky players also had their footballing dreams come true when they got surprise tickets to the Scottish Cup Final!

Minard’s annual Duck Derby is a great success!

Minard and Furnace children at the Duck DerbyMinard held their annual Duck Derby on Friday the 29th. Thankfully the weather held while the races were on. There were 17 races with 20 ducks per race. The winners of each race then took part in the grand final! The prize, lunch for two at the George Hotel, was won by Heather Miller and the runner-up was Adam Barclay. He won a £30 voucher for Dewars store in Inveraray.

Furnace children joined them for the afternoon.
Continue reading Minard’s annual Duck Derby is a great success!