Category Archives: Events

Luss Primary – Total Green Champions!

Luss Total Green Award 2016 June 2016Luss Primary School are the Scottish Champions of this year’s Total Green Award. Over the past five years Luss has won the Totally Clued-up Category three times and on a fourth occasion was awarded a Special Award created for them because their work was of such a high standard.

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Scottish Education Awards 2016

JLB Scottish Education award June 2016John Logie Baird Primary School and Pre Five Unit have been celebrating their success at the Scottish Education Awards 2016. They were delighted to be a top 3 finalist in the Learning through Technologies category at this year’s event. Judges from Education Scotland visited the school back in April and spoke to pupils, staff, parents and members of the community who were involved in their hugely successful Oscars Night and their innovative new Improving and Achieving report –

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Tarbert Academy reaches Rio!

Tarbert PS Viewpoint AlexanderInspired by the Team GB ‘Get Set for Rio’ challenge, Primary 7/6 started regular running in September to try to cover the distance of 9450 km from Tarbert to Rio de Janeiro before the Olympic Games start there this summer.

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DGS Takes part in the Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics Tournament

DGS takes part in the Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics tournament in GrangemouthOn the 1st of June 2016, eleven pupils from Dunoon Grammar School took part in the Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics tournament in Grangemouth. Competitors came from all over the country to race and take part in a great variety of sports. This is the sixth time that DGS pupils have participated.

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Cardross den 1Pupils at Cardross Primary had great fun on our recent Green Day whilst learning important survival skills, starting with an assembly for Save The Children Den Day. Mrs Adirangga shared with us her experience of an Earthquake and Tsunami when living in an area known as the Ring of Fire and how she helped a community build emergency shelters.

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Tarbert Ac P6 ICYCLEP6 at Tarbert Academy have recently completed their I Cycle training. The children have been using the programme since March and each week have taken to their bikes and practiced many different road manoeuvres. On training days the children were instructed by I cycle trainers Tony Jones and Arlene Scott who were also joined by local police officer Alan Frame, who impressed on the children the importance of good cycle practice. After successfully completing the training the children were each gifted a bike lock from local councillor Anne Horn on behalf of the Kintyre Safety Forum.

High Flying Luss

Luss High Flyer 1Luss Primary is this year’s Scottish champions In the Total Green Awards, sponsored by the Total Oil Co. and the Young People’s Trust for the Environment.
34,000 children took part in the competition. Over the past five years Luss has won the Totally Clued-up Category three times and on a fourth occasion we were awarded a Total Special Award created especially for them because the work submitted was of such a high standard.

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Rocket Science in Cardross Primary’

Cardross Tim Peak Rocket SciencePrimary 5 recently applied to the Royal Horticultural Society to take part in a very special experiment. British astronaut Tim Peake sent down a bag of seeds from outer space in April and asked the boys and girls to grow the seeds to see if being in an area of zero gravity affected the way that the seeds grow! After many weeks of watering, measuring and following Tim’s journey, Mr Henry sent the collected data to be entered into the ‘Rocket Science Database’, with some very interesting results! There certainly could be life on Mars in the very near future!


Port Ellen Junior Saltire WinnersLast week Joe, Bronagh, Kaya and Murray traveled with Mrs Clark and Mrs Leask to Glasgow and Edinburgh to take part in the Celebration of Science and Engineering run by @scdiYESC at the Glasgow Science Centre. They were finalists in the Junior Saltire Awards with their Wave Islay design, made with help from Bronagh’s dad Gus, an excellent boat builder. They tested their devices at the Flowave facility in Edinburgh along with 6 other primary schools and 5 secondary schools, before attending the event and presenting to the judges.


Keeping healthy at Kirn Primary School

Kirn PS Keeping Healthy 1One of the last whole school events held in the ‘old’ building of Kirn PS was our annual Health Week. Fun and informative health promoting events were organised for the whole week involving all ten classes and our Early Learning Childcare Centre. We were so lucky that lots of the health professionals in our community offered their time and expertise to lead sessions.

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Yoga at Dalintober ELC

Dalintober Yoga 1 10 June 2016The children at Dalintober ELC recently participated in a ‘taster’ session of children’s Yoga, hosted by Rachel Edwards from Yoganadi. Yoga is a great activity to support children to relieve tension and stress, increase concentration and expand their imagination and creativity. We will continue to work in partnership with Rachel from Yoganadi through the next Academic Year and look forward to more fun and enjoyment from this worthwhile activity.

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