Category Archives: School trips

Tobermory High River Study

S3 Geography pupils from Tobermory High School recently braved the cold weather to complete a river study.  This involved taking measurements on a local section of river and using calculations to work out the river’s speed.  Pupils measured the width of the river, the speed of the river, angle of slope and used Powers’ scale of roundness to examine the bedload.  They will now use the raw data they collected out in the field, back in class, to enhance their processing and information handling techniques. Continue reading Tobermory High River Study

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park offer Travel Grant Scheme for schools.

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park has launched a new pilot scheme to help schools and outreach groups experience the great outdoors in the Park by offering an Educational Travel Grant. With forests to explore, landscapes to walk and climb, lochs and rivers to sail on and rich wildlife and history to discover, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park provides the perfect outdoor classroom for schools and groups. Continue reading Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park offer Travel Grant Scheme for schools.

Darth Vader Brought Cupcakes!

“On Halloween morning, the whole of Kilchrenan school went out for a walk.  We didn’t know where we were going.  There was lots of lovely coloured leaves on the trees.  Then we got to Taychreggan Hotel and Mr Dickie joked with us that we’d gone the wrong way.  We went into the hotel and met a lady dressed up for Halloween.  She took us into the lounge and gave us hot chocolate and goodie bags with sweeties.  Darth Vader brought us lots of cupcakes and chopped up apples.  We had our photo taken with staff from The Taychreggan who were all dressed up.  We felt amazed by the surprise and it was nice of them.”
Report by Logan, Sarah and Thom, with just a little support from Ms Stewart. Continue reading Darth Vader Brought Cupcakes!

Flat Stanley

The Flat Stanley story has been read and used as a stimulus for Big Writing activities for the Infant pupils at Ashfield Primary School this term.  There was great excitement as the P2,3,4 pupils took their Flat Stanleys to the Lochgilphead Sorting Office on Tuesday 23rd October.  The pupils were keen to find out how their Flat Stanley letters had travelled from the post-box in Achnamara village to their homes.  Each Flat Stanley had many adventures at the homes of the children and they kept a diary of the various activities. Continue reading Flat Stanley

S2 Outward Bound 2013 at LHS

On Wednesday 24 October thirteen of the Lochgilphead High S2 pupils that will be attending Outward Bound took up the opportunity to walk from the school to Bellanoch Bridge (on the Crinan Canal) and back. The walk which was a total of 11.5 miles (18.6 km) was arranged so that the pupils could raise funds towards their trip via sponsorship.
The walk was challenging and lasted from 9.30am until 3.15pm with stops at Cairnbaan for refreshments and Bellanoch Bridge for lunch. Continue reading S2 Outward Bound 2013 at LHS

Lochgilphead High School 4xl Enterprise Project

On Monday the 17th of September the 4xl group took a trip to Shearer’s Candles in Glasgow as part of their Enterprise Project.
The group were welcomed by Rosie who told them about the history of the company / factory and how it was developed. The group were then taken on a tour of the factory lead by Earkate who explained how the factory was run and explained the importance of health and safety within the factory. During the visit they had an opportunity to make their very own candles, which was a well received an enjoyable opportunity. Continue reading Lochgilphead High School 4xl Enterprise Project

RME on Iona

In the first of this year’s RME days 54 S1/2 pupils and 7 staff  from Tobermory High School spent the day on Iona learning about the history of Iona and the life and work of the Iona Community.  The day was the RME part of inter-disciplinary work on Life in 6th Century Scotland.  The group looked at why Columba chose to settle on Iona and why thousands of tourists and pilgrims flock there every year.  In St Oran’s Chapel they learned about the life of the early monks before exploring the cemetery where Scottish Kings and politicians are buried. Continue reading RME on Iona

Dunoon Castle House Museum

Armed once again with clipboards and pencils, P5 Dunoon Primary School, set off to investigate the Castle House Museum.  They were looking for further evidence on how Cowal had changed over the decades. 

The museum (in the children’s words) was fantastic, amazing, exciting and spectacular!  The enjoyed watching a film, which showed various areas around Cowal, comparing Cowal in the past to the present. Some of the children preferred Cowal in the past!  A fabulous time was had by all and the children would recommend a visit to Castle House Museum for young and old. Continue reading Dunoon Castle House Museum

Vikings in Skipness!

Pupils in Skipness have been learning about the Vikings.  They have researched where Vikings came from and places in Britain that they raided.  They made a Viking longboat and a model of a Viking longhouse.   They created Viking helmets, swords and shields and had Viking costumes made for them.   During a trip to Kilmartin Museum they wrote in runes on clay tablets.   They also went to Vikingar and were in a Viking longhouse and the hall of the Gods.  The children created postcards as Vikings away from home raiding and wrote imaginative Viking stories.  They put together a presentation about the Vikings for the community in Skipness.  Everybody had an enjoyable afternoon! Continue reading Vikings in Skipness!

Rothesay Primary trip to Science Centre

Primary 7 enjoyed a fun-filled day at the Glasgow Science Centre on Tuesday.  We loved the planetarium – especially when it went pitch black and you could see all the stars overhead.  It was fun to see the phases of the moon projected on the big screen above us.  We watched ‘Hubble 3D’ in the IMAX cinema and couldn’t believe the amazing images that this telescope could bring us.  The stars were incredible and seeing the astronauts getting ready for their missions to mend the Hubble was very exciting.  The Science Mall is full of interesting exhibits.  We particularly enjoyed the thermal camera, the visual illusions, the electricity orb, the ‘Alice in Wonderland’ feature and the technology labs.  Thank you to Mrs Blair for organising our trip and to the Science Centre for a great day out!  We’re just delighted the ferries were on!

Lifelong Learners!

The pupils of Clachan Primary School found out about people in the past during a recent visit to Inveraray Jail.  We were shown around by one of the ‘prisoners’ from 200 years ago called Eliza.  We were able to go into a cell and find out how comfortable sleeping in a hammock could be, how the prisoners did their laundry and how difficult it was to turn the crank wheel.

We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and hope that Eliza is found not guilty and is able to return to her family!

Tobermory High School – ACE trip

S1 pupils from Tobermory High School, accompanied by four of their teachers, recently visited Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling as part of their induction programme.  This annual trip allows new S1 pupils to get to know each other as well as to visit places and attend workshops relating to the course work they cover in S1.  On the trip pupils chose books for the school library in Oban, visited Summerlee wind farm, St. Mungo’s museum, Glasgow Science Centre, The National Museum of Scotland, The National Gallery, Our Dynamic Earth, Stirling Castle and The Scottish Parliament.  Pupils were fortunate enough to meet Michael Russell, our MSP, and Jamie McGrigor for a question and answer session after a tour of the parliament buildings. Continue reading Tobermory High School – ACE trip

Young Ambassadors Attend Leadership Academy

On Sunday 16 September 2012, 13 pupils and 3 members of staff of Dunoon Grammar School went to Skye for a week, to take part in Columba 1400 (a leadership training centre). They participated in the Ambassador’s Leadership Programme which allowed the pupils to learn about their leadership skills. They also discovered their true potential, learned about teamwork and communication and how to use these skills to improve their lives and the school. It was the first time the school had participated in this helpful event, which allowed everyone to improve their confidence – children who would not normally be capable of speaking in front of a group became comfortable enough to do so by the end of the programme. Continue reading Young Ambassadors Attend Leadership Academy

Behind-the-Scenes at Tesco

On Wednesday 26th Sept, Achaleven Primary School visited Tesco’s in Oban for a tour as part of the topics “The World of Work” and “Food”.
Gary Killorn, Stock Control Manager gave as tour “where your parents don’t get to go” and we saw how stock goes from lorry to check-out and all the stages in-between. After a quick trip to the fish counter we went into the stock area where we saw the hydraulic lift in operation where the cages of stock come off the lorries. We also saw the recycling areas and the stock areas for dry goods, refrigerated goods (it was quite cold in there) and the high value goods. There was also the freezer stock room but we didn’t go in as it was far too cold! Continue reading Behind-the-Scenes at Tesco


Kilchrenan Primary took to the waters this week, making plenty of waves.  The pupils had chosen a coasteering event with Stramash as an adventurous outdoor challenge, which they met with great success.

With everybody safely equipped,and squeezed into wetsuits, they took to the rocks at Ganavan Sands, by Oban and, led by Andrew from Stramash, set out to explore and to have an adventure.  They sat watching an otter, swam in a sea taxi, scrambled across rocks, jumped from the cliffs into the sea and, all agreed, had a fantastic time. Continue reading KILCHRENAN SPLASHES OUT

Dunoon Grammar School Stars Shine for Scotland

Pupils from Dunoon Grammar School again played a key role at a significant International Reception hosted by Education Scotland at the City Chambers, Glasgow last week.  The Dunoon Grammar School Pipe Band and Highland Dancers entertained a distinguished audience consisting of educationalists from across the globe.

Dr Alasdair Allan MSP, Minister for Learning and Skills from the Scottish Government introduced the Grammar school pupils to the international audience gathered in the stunning City Chambers, Banqueting Hall.  Continue reading Dunoon Grammar School Stars Shine for Scotland

Croft visit

As part of their crofting topic P5,6,7 pupils from Bunessan Primary enjoyed a very informative visit to two local crofts.  On the croft they learned about cutting peat and how to look after different kinds of animals. 

They especially enjoyed comparing crofting methods from the past with the present eg the horse with the quad and the scythe with the binder.

Continue reading Croft visit

P5 visit to the beautiful Castle Gardens

On Wednesday 26th September, Dunoon Primary P5 pupils (as part of their Interdisciplinary Topic ‘Our Local Area’) visited the Castle Gardens. 

The sun was shining brightly and each group, clipboards in hand investigated the various areas of the gardens to find out as much as they could about the history surrounding this central area of Dunoon.  They took rubbings of plaques,sketched any monuments found in the garden and completed worksheets. A superb time was had by all and lots of interesting information was collected to make a collage of the facts they found. Continue reading P5 visit to the beautiful Castle Gardens

Mushroom Hunt

Barcaldine and Ardchattan Primary school children went along to Sutherlands Grove on Monday afternoon for a Mushroom Hunt.

Robert MacPherson kindly took us through the woods to find a variety of different mushrooms.  We found Amethyst Deceiver, Angel Wings, Jelly babies, Chanterelle, Sickener and the Common Yellow mushroom were just a few of the types we found.

We were all over Sutherlands Grove and found the mushrooms under trees, in the grass, below logs plus we found a few mushroom sticks.

Eilidh & Rianna P7