Tobermory High School – ACE trip

S1 pupils from Tobermory High School, accompanied by four of their teachers, recently visited Glasgow, Edinburgh and Stirling as part of their induction programme.  This annual trip allows new S1 pupils to get to know each other as well as to visit places and attend workshops relating to the course work they cover in S1.  On the trip pupils chose books for the school library in Oban, visited Summerlee wind farm, St. Mungo’s museum, Glasgow Science Centre, The National Museum of Scotland, The National Gallery, Our Dynamic Earth, Stirling Castle and The Scottish Parliament.  Pupils were fortunate enough to meet Michael Russell, our MSP, and Jamie McGrigor for a question and answer session after a tour of the parliament buildings.

If that wasn’t exciting enough, pupils enjoyed racing down the flumes at The Time Capsule, watching “Brave” at the cinema and watching “Phantom of the Opera” at the Edinburgh Playhouse.

All in all, it was truly an “ace” trip with pupils having bonded and having “overcome (their) fears”.

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