Category Archives: Primary schools

Life’s a Beach at Rhunahaorine

Rhunahaorine Life's a Beach 2Children at Rhunahaorine have taken to the beach this term. With the help of funding from the GRAB trust we set up our Crocodile Camp where we learned how to make a campfire safely and cook damper bread and marshmallows. We learned how to tie knots which helped us to set up our seating area and make shelters.We learned about some of the creatures that live on the shore and played the limpet game to help us remember how they survive.

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Ma thèid thu sìos dhan choille an-diugh

Bowmore Bothan 1Diluain 16 An t-Ògmhios, chaidh a’ chlann ann an Clas 4-6 aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr dhan choille aig Beul an Atha. An toiseach, chaidh sinn dhan Ghàrradh Choimhearsnachd airson beagan measan is glasraich fhaighinn. Gu mi-fhortanach, air sgàth an droch aimsir, cha robh mòran ri fhaighinn ach fhuair sinn leiteis, chives, radish agus beagan rùbarab.

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Kodu Kup Scottish winners from Dunoon make it to UK final!

1st-place-dunoon-rural-racersOpen to all Scottish school children ages seven to fourteen the Kodu Kup competition saw pupils from ten schools across the country take on the challenge of coding and creating a game. Impressing the judges with their game creation and entrepreneurial skills the ‘Rural Racers’ from Dunoon Primary School were crowned Scottish Kodukup champions. The champions now have been invited to present their game to a team of expert judges at the UK Finals in Reading on the 13 July with the chance of taking home the UK Kodu Kup! Continue reading Kodu Kup Scottish winners from Dunoon make it to UK final!

Come and Try Sports Event for P2

Lochgilphead 4 PDA Sports day 1Lochgilphead High School 4 PDA organised and held a sports event for Lochgilphead Primary P2 classes. All pupils had a great afternoon. Cameron McCallum started the event off with a warm up for 38 pupils and then the pupils were split into small groups to take part in the different sports on offer.

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Send My Friend To School.

Strachur Tam Baillie visit 006 SALi pictureOn Wednesday 17th of June, Tam Baillie – the Scottish Commissioner for Children and Young People – came to visit Strachur Primary School. Primary 4/5 asked him to come to our school because they have been doing a very interesting topic on the ‘Rights of The Child’ and learning about the United Nations Convention on the Rights of The Child (UNCRC).

Continue reading Send My Friend To School.

Furnace pupil wins a national art competition!

Furnace Abbie wins national art competitionEveryone at Furnace are delighted that our P7 pupil, Abbie Wallace, took the top prize in the nationwide TECHBOT Competition, after her artwork was selected from more than 4,000 entries. Abbie has won for her school a brand new ClassBuddy(tm) ‘Charge and Sync’ trolley from LapSafe® Products, with her artwork displayed as a graphic on the doors. Abbie has also won us 5 brand-new iPad Air’s complete with cases and an iPad and case for herself to take home. The iPad cases also display the winning artwork.
Continue reading Furnace pupil wins a national art competition!

Dalmally ‘Tuff Mudder’

Dalmally Tuff mudder 1Last Wednesday, all the pupils in Dalmally Primary school took part in our version of ‘Tuff Mudder’. Pre 5 and P1/2 completed the Mini Mudder course while P3-7 completed a 5K obstacle course through the local forest and back to our playground. It was a fantastic day and all the pupils supported and encouraged each other through the various obstacles . We ended the day by playing different water games in the playground to clean off all the mud from Tuff Mudder!

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Park Primary Crowned MacKay Cup Winners!

Park PS Shinty MacKay Cup Winners 1‘On Monday 15th June, Park Primary Shinty Team travelled to Inveraray to meet Kyles in the semi finals of shinty’s most prestigious competition – The MacKay Cup. Park won 2-0 putting them through to the final which took place on Saturday…

The Team travelled to Inveraray again to play in the final against a strong Newtonmore team who were still flying high after beating Kyles 10-5 in the Tulloch Cup Final the week before. Continue reading Park Primary Crowned MacKay Cup Winners!

Furnace and Inveraray P6/7’s enjoy their week at Benmore

Furnace and Minard Benore mid-argyll groupThe children in Primary 6 and 7 in Furnace and Inveraray Primaries joined together to enjoy a week of outdoor activities at Benmore Outdoor centre last week. They abseiled, gorge walked,completed an orienteering challenge, kayaked and took to the waters of Loch Eck in canoes. They also went for a late night swim in the Loch and ended a busy week with mountain biking before getting dressed up for the disco! They all admitted they had achieved much more than they thought they could and they had a lot to be proud of.

Scottish Champions Kodu Kup 2015 Dunoon Primary Rural Racers

P1030591-001Pro Gamers have scooped the title of Scottish Champions at todays Kodu Kup Competition at West College Paisley run by Microsoft. The team challenged 100 other entries from schools from all over Scotland. They made it to the final against 9 other schools, to win this prestigious award. They had to set up a business, and prepare a business plan, marketing and advertising their products. They had t-shirts, mugs and badges made. The team delivered an astonishing presentation to the judges and were so proud to lift the Kup! Continue reading Scottish Champions Kodu Kup 2015 Dunoon Primary Rural Racers

Rosneath go on Safari!

Rosneath Safari 1Primary 1 pupils and parents from Rosneath enjoyed a fabulous outing to Blair Drummond Safari Park. They were joined by the Pre5 children that will be starting school in August. The children had the opportunity to see a variety of exotic animals, such as: elephants, chimpanzees, rhinos, zebras, meerkats and many more. In the pet farm they enjoyed petting goats, donkeys and ponies.

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Dunoon Primary Choir sing at Summer Extravaganza at Dgs.

DPS Choir 1Dunoon Primary School Choir sang their hearts out tonight at the Summer Extravaganza at Dunoon Grammar School.They confidently sang 5 songs including Under the Sea, I Just Can’t Wait To Be King, When You Believe, I Can I Will and Sing.
This was the first time the choir had appeared on stage at the local Secondary School. the choir certainly rose to the occasion and were really delighted with their performance.

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Ardrishaig Primary are Millennium Cup Champions!

Ardrishaig Football 1 2015-06-18 ArdrishaigArdrishaig Primary School Football Club travelled all the way to Campbeltown to compete in the Millennium Cup this week and they were delighted to come home as champions. The team included children from P4-7, captained by Robbie in P7. They remained unbeaten throughout the night with 4 wins and 1 draw. Each player received a medal and the school will hold onto the cup for this year.

Continue reading Ardrishaig Primary are Millennium Cup Champions!

Park P3 Visit OHS Home Econonmics Dept!

Park PS OHS Home Economics 1On Friday 19th June Park Primary 3 visited the Oban High School Home Economics department as part of our interdisciplinary learning project on Food Journeys. While there we made our own individual pizzas using ingredients sourced from different countries around the world and then measured which pizza had ‘travelled’ the furthest! The entire visit was extremely well organised and the children found it a very enjoyable and valuable experience. They also enjoyed eating their pizzas!

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Rosneath Primary School are ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED to share their latest success with everybody. Today, Monday 15th June, will stick in our minds for a long time to come because today is the day we earned our very first Eco Green Flag.

Children and adults alike were soooooooooooooooo excited when Paula Love (Assessor) came to school at 10.30. Two hours later, we were all celebrating!

We are hoping to receive our Flag before the end of Term so photos will follow!

Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge Scotland

Tesco Bank & R-Breakers logoThis year the Summer Reading Challenge has teamed up with Guinness World Records to establish a “Record Breakers” themed Challenge. Aimed and 4-11 year olds, Record Breakers brings together fact and fiction, challenging young readers to explore astonishing real-life achievements and world records. Children are encouraged to read six or more library books of their choice during the summer holidays with collectable incentives and rewards. Children can sign up at their local library at the start of the summer holidays– it’s absolutely free – and pre-schoolers can take part in the mini-Challenge. Continue reading Tesco Bank Summer Reading Challenge Scotland

Roots of Empathy

Rosneath Roots of Empathy 1This session, 21 pupils from Primary 2/3 have been involved in an exciting new initiative called Roots of Empathy. Throughout the year there have been weekly visits from the instructor Jane McLean, School Nurse and every two weeks a visit from a mother and baby, Kathy and Hamish.
Roots of Empathy is an innovative program teaching pupils valuable lessons while fostering a more nurturing and caring environment in the classroom.
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