Dalmally ‘Tuff Mudder’

Dalmally Tuff mudder 1Last Wednesday, all the pupils in Dalmally Primary school took part in our version of ‘Tuff Mudder’. Pre 5 and P1/2 completed the Mini Mudder course while P3-7 completed a 5K obstacle course through the local forest and back to our playground. It was a fantastic day and all the pupils supported and encouraged each other through the various obstacles . We ended the day by playing different water games in the playground to clean off all the mud from Tuff Mudder!

Dalmally Tuff mudder 2Dalmally Tuff mudder 3DalmallyTuff mudder 4Dalmally Tuff mudder 5

One thought on “Dalmally ‘Tuff Mudder’

  1. This sounds amazing! What a great idea and a fun alternative to traditional Sports Days. Well done to everyone who organised and took part! 🙂

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