Category Archives: Training

Interplanetary Pioneer – Fergus Glen-Lee

Fergus Glen-Lee from Oban High School has been invited to join Fuselab at Edinburgh University to plan life for future civilizations in the event of an evacuation of Earth.
Fergus saw the avert on SAL for the opportunity for young Scots to join the team made up of business and academia from North West European Communities. Fergus had to demonstrate his creative and divergent thinking to get through the selection process and has been chosen to spend a week at Edinburgh University.
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In October 2012 we took charge of a supersized poly tunnel which was erected in the grounds of Glencruitten Hostel. This was the first step in our plan to grow and sell produce to parents, staff and the hostel kitchen! In our Tech classes we have made six raised beds for the tunnel and plan to make more for outside. We have planted potatoes, onions, herbs and blackcurrants so far and have also been improving the hostel grounds by planting hedges and trees!

Cycling Proficiency Success at BPS!!

Cycling Proficiency Success!!
Determined, 10 Primary 7 pupils from Bowmore Primary took on the challenge of Cycling Proficiency. Theory tests were all passed in 2011 with fantastic help from Mrs Baker. On Friday 14th June with both excitement and fear, one by one we went outside with Sergeant Rae who completed our Bike Safety Check. Relieved, all of our bikes passed therefore we began practising for our practical road test.
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Health Week at St Joseph’s

Health week got off to a wonderful start at St Joseph’s this week with P3 producing a very interesting and exciting assembly on their recent topic “Health and Fitness”. It was all very appropriate as Health Week is featuring greatly in everyone’s thoughts in the school. Miss Trainer, acting PT, has done a sterling job of co-ordinating all the activities for the whole school…and hasn’t left out mums and dads either! As well as a number of exciting activities for the children, Miss Trainer has embraced the talents of a number of qualified parents to put on a few activities with a difference for parents and staff. Continue reading Health Week at St Joseph’s

Super Samba!

There was dancing in the streets of Bonawe on Monday when Argyll’s newest Samba Band made their debut public performance!
After six weeks of hard work and fun with Samba instructor Stephen MacNally, the twelve Primary 5, 6 and 7 pupils of Ardchattan and Barcaldine Primary Schools had become adept players of the suerdo drum, tambourim, agogo bells and shaker.
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Forest School Sausage Sizzle @ Kilmartin

The children in P.5-7 at Kilmartin Primary School finished off their Forest School activities for the year with a sausage sizzle in the woods around the campfire. The children also made damper bread on sticks and cooked them over the fire before dipping their tasty treat into cinnamon and sugar. The older children have had a wonderful environmental experience this session, learning about the native plants and trees throughout the seasons, building a den and making wooden toys as well as developing teamwork skills.

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Well done Fergus Taylor of Barcaldine Primary School

Fergus Taylor of Barcaldine Primary School came in smiling from ear to ear this morning. He was showing everyone his medal and trophy that he got from the Taynuilt Rugby Club’s Fun night on Wednesday evening.

Fergus received a medal along with his fellow team mates for winning their tournament. His Etive Vikings team won their tournament in Inverness recently and were all awarded a medal on Wednesday night. Continue reading Well done Fergus Taylor of Barcaldine Primary School

Dunoon Primary School Rugby Winners

The Primary 6’s in Dunoon, Sandbank, Kirn and St Mun’s schools have been enjoying a six week block of coaching to develop their skills in Non Contact Rugby. Our phenomenal coach was Brendan from Inverclyde. Each Tuesday, the schools enjoyed a 45 minute session where we learned the skills and rules required to play a match. To celebrate the end of our fantastic training sessions with Brendan McGroaty, Lindsay Mitchell of Active Schools organised a Rugby Festival at Dunoon Grammar School on Monday 10th June.
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S2 History pupils get the chance to dig up the past!

On Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May a return visit of around forty S2 Lochgilphead High School History pupils took place at Dun Muirich medieval fort at Tayvallich to take part in an actual archaeological dig, thanks again to the generosity of Kate Moody of Kilmartin House Museum and Roddy Reagan, the archaeologist in charge . The weather was good over the two days, and the minibus swiftly took four runs back and forth to the site, accompanied again by either Mr Wire or Mr Kemp of the Social Subjects Department.
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Duke of Edinburgh

Three pupils from Campbeltown Grammar School recently completed an overnight camp in preparation for the completion of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh (D of E) Award. Jo Chinn, Liam MacCallum and Alice Morton hiked part of the Kintyre Way and camped overnight at Bordadubh. They experienced every kind of weather – snow, sun and gales on their hike!

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News from Dalintober Pre-5 Unit and Primary School

Dalintober Pre-5 Unit Sports Day

Dalintober Pre Five Unit held their Sports Day in the school gym on Wednesday 29th May. The children all enjoyed the day and here are our Pre School and Ante Pre School Champions.

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‘Expert Tuition from Dunoon Grammar Schools Pupils’

Dunoon Primary School were assisted by 4 DGS pupils and Mr Shaw to get the Skillsbook programme up and running. The four students Steven, Keith, Heather and Ben worked really diligently and enthusiastically with our P6 and P5 pupils. The children loved learning this new exciting project and can’t wait to do more with the programme. The comments from our pupils were ‘Terrific, Cool, Can’t wait to get started!’
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Golf comes to St Joseph’s!

What a star Mark Weed has been to St. Joseph’s this year! A Sports Coach student and former pupil of the school, Mark has more than paid back what we gave him by giving of his free time to help with sporting activities. Mark has come into school every Tuesday and Friday this session to help teachers deliver the sports programme and this term he has turned his talents to Golf. P5 and P7 are both learning the technical aspects of the game and Mark has ably assisted Mrs McLean and Miss Boyd to deliver the programme.
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iCycle training at St Joseph’s Primary

Parents are leading the way at St. Joseph’s in iCycle training. A group of parents: Mrs O’Hara, Mrs Russell, Mrs Moy and Mrs Greig have been involved in ably instructing the P6 children in the practical aspects of the programme whilst staff have looked on and learned. The teaching staff have approached the theory of iCycle training in class sessions with a fine balance of practical skills being taught mainly by previously trained parents.

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Generation Science visit Luing Primary

Generation Science visited Luing Primary School, with their workshop Fizz, Boom, Bang! All of the children including pre 5; were to be scientists for the morning. After donning protective gear, the experiments began. The challenge was to make a cool, colourful reaction.
First of all the children had to discover whether liquids were acid, neutral or alkaline, matching up the colour on an indicator chart. After this they then mixed up liquids and powders, making fizzing and colourful potions. Continue reading Generation Science visit Luing Primary

iCycle at Ashfield

Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Ashfield Primary began their iCycle training on Tuesday led by classroom assistant, Mrs Paterson, and parent helpers, Mr and Mrs Gascoigne. After a thorough safety check of bikes and helmets the children were introduced to the basics of cycling on the road including looking back and signalling. Initial training is being completed in the playground but the children will be putting their new skills into practice on the road in a few weeks. Residents of Achnamara beware!

A Hearty Thanks from P.7 at St. Joseph’s!

Primary 7 children thoroughly enjoyed their Outdoor Residential Week at Ardlui. Not only did they thrive in the great outdoors but they have returned with a qualification in first aid training! They learned about the skills required, from dealing with minor cuts to responding to emergency situations. This was carried out in a very practical way with the children being involved in role play scenarios. The staff from Loch Lomond Outdoor Centre were delighted to put their own recent first aid training into practice.
Continue reading A Hearty Thanks from P.7 at St. Joseph’s!

Going Potty!

On the 5th of February 2013 Ardchattan Primary School went to Argyll Pottery to learn about making clay pots. They went because the topic they are looking at this term is “Change”.
When they got there, Hugh showed them how to make a jug. Then they threw pots, which doesn’t mean we chucked them around the room, it means that we made pots out of clay on the potter’s wheel. They turned out pretty good even though Jacob pressed a bit too hard and the top of his flew off!
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Spearheading the authority’s priority of developing leadership in schools, St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh has already started on the journey. With reports soon to be distributed to children, the staff were treated to a refresher course on the process of on-line reporting on SEEMIS by a member of the clerical team! Staff gathered for a twilight session as Mrs Diamond used her excellent ICT skills to lead the teaching staff through a presentation. Teaching staff were once again grateful for her input and willingness to share her skills.

heartstart assembly

On the 12th March we held our Easter assembly, we based it around the theme of helping your neighbour.

The children demonstrated how to phone for an ambulance, put someone into the recovery position and do CPR if necessary. The parents followed the instructions the children gave them and asked lots of questions about the Heart Start programme.

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