Health Week at St Joseph’s

Health week got off to a wonderful start at St Joseph’s this week with P3 producing a very interesting and exciting assembly on their recent topic “Health and Fitness”. It was all very appropriate as Health Week is featuring greatly in everyone’s thoughts in the school. Miss Trainer, acting PT, has done a sterling job of co-ordinating all the activities for the whole school…and hasn’t left out mums and dads either! As well as a number of exciting activities for the children, Miss Trainer has embraced the talents of a number of qualified parents to put on a few activities with a difference for parents and staff. Whilst the children enjoy new taster sessions in Taekwondo and Funky Fitness, the adults will have the opportunity to join in on Adult Ballet and Yoga after school, to name but a few opportunities.
As is the way at St. Joseph’s, everyone joins in the fun….and we’re all looking forward to a week of very enjoyable ‘Health’!

One thought on “Health Week at St Joseph’s

  1. It was a great week. I particularly enjoyed our class daily walk – made even better by the sunshine!

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