Our topic for this term was Australia and it seemed fitting that we finish off the term with an Aussie day!! We were all prepared with our Aussie style hats (corks and all!!), green and yellow colours, several boomerangs as well as a didgeridoo.
Parent Council members kindly offered to make us our lunch – Australian style!! We had a variety of meats cooking on the BBQ with salads and rolls to go along with them. We finished off our lunch with ice-cream cones with an Australian flag instead of a flake!!
The children then educated the adults with all their facts that they had learned over the last two terms about Australia and their variety of animals. There were powerpoints, diagrams and factual sheets all showcasing off their hard work. We then took advantage of the glorious weather outside and had a mini Aussie States Wealth Day (not commonwealth countries but Australian states instead!!) and did wellie boot throwing, hoop & cone event, a kangaroo sack race and finally tug of war. Although we did out manoeuvre the poor P7s by moving their finishing line in the sack race and help the P5&6 pupils in the tug of war. Sorry P7s!!!
We finished off the day with beautifully decorated Aussie style cakes (they tasted as good as they looked) and a medal ceremony with winners receiving cups as well as medals. No-one walked away empty handed though we all got a medal – even the staff!!
And lastly we took this opportunity to say goodbye to Mrs Morrison and Mrs MacEachen who will be leaving us at the end of this term. They have over 75 years’ worth teaching experience and will be sorely missed. The children sang their own rendition of LMFAO’s “You’re sxxy and you know it” to both teachers – it was great! Both teachers were present with pot plants, cards and vouchers.
We wish both our teachers a happy retirement and will miss them loads!