Category Archives: Music

Rothesay Primary P7 Burns’ Supper

RPS Burns Tables 2 2016This year, Primary 7 held their annual Burns’ Supper in the beautiful Marble Hall at Mount Stuart. In honour of such an occasion, a feast of talents were performed from The Selkirk Grace to The Address to the Haggis; with every pupil playing a part in this celebration of Robert Burns. The ‘Bill o’ Fare’ was cooked by our hospitality students and was absolutely delicious! Our guests enjoyed piping, singing and recitals – both from pupils and Mrs Nicol, who was hilarious with her rendition of ‘Tam O’Shanter’.

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Strath of Appin Primary Pre5 Celebrate Scotland’s National Poet

Strath of Appin Burns Supper 1Ellis Carmichael and Ken Oxland from the Oban Burns Club, joined staff, pupils and children from the Pre 5 Unit at Strath of Appin Primary School to celebrate Scotland’s national poet, Robert Burns. After a traditional lunch of haggis, neeps and tatties, the guests enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment provided by the children. The children recited poems and sang songs in Scots, including the Shooglie Wooglie!

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CAST MUSIC CPD, IT and GARAGEBAND in the classroom.

Jenny cast map 1CAST MUSIC CPD, IT and GARAGEBAND in the classroom.
THURSDAY 28th JANUARY, ROCKFIELD CAMPUS 4-6pm. This course replaces the scheduled Music and Health and wellbeing CPD.
Music is a ‘heard’ art form. We should be using the technology available to us to track progress and develop musical ideas. This session aims to increase your confidence and open the door to the benefits of using technology in a meaningful way to enhance musical learning. We will explore: Continue reading CAST MUSIC CPD, IT and GARAGEBAND in the classroom.

DGS Learning Support Department Annual Christmas Fayre

DGS Learning Support Department Annual Christmas FayreOn the 16th of December 2015 Dunoon Grammar school Learning support department held its annual Christmas fayre. At the fayre there were lots of different stalls such as tombola, raffle, baking, homemade decoration, wood crafts and Guess the weight of the Christmas cake. For the first time ever there was a Santa’s Grotto and Kirn Primary Nursery children enjoyed meeting Santa and getting a small present.

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When Sasha Got Swept Up the Chimney

Salen PS Christmas 4 Version 2Salen Primary School held a Half and Half Draw after a stunning Christmas Production performance by the whole school and raised £352 towards school funds. Everyone had a superb night and enjoyed the high quality of acting, singing and dancing. Well done!

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Bowmore Primary’s Heavenly Nativity!

Bowmore Christmas NativityOur Round Church in Bowmore was buzzing on the evening of the 21st of December. Not only downstairs was full, but the upper seats were being taken as well! Our Nativity and Carols by Candlelight Service was being presented there this year. It seemed extra special and very fitting to hold our nativity in the Round Church. It was lovely to be greeted by our school flautists – they had very nicely set the tone for the evening and again played as we left after the service along with other members of the Primary Wind Band.
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Oh No They Didn’t, Oh Yes They Did!

St Muns Panto 1With the Christmas holidays almost upon us, the children of St. Mun’s were joined by Strone, Innellan and Toward Primaries and really got into the festive spirit when they were treated to The Rainbow Theatre Group’s pantomime production, ‘Sleeping Beauty’.

The traditional fairy tale was retold by the wonderful cast, who had their entire audience, laughing, booing and singing popular ‘chart’ hits from beginning to end.

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Castlehill Fairytale Land Nativity

Castlehill Nativity Picture 2015Little Red Riding Hood called on her friends from Fairytale Land to put on a Nativity Show. She played the part of Mary, Goldilocks was Gabriel, the Three Little Pigs were the wise men and the innkeeper was the big bad wolf! Castlehill’s Primary one and two children dressed as characters from Fairytale Land and entertained a packed hall with this amusing Christmas musical.

The Christmas show Presented By Southend Primary

Southend Picture 1On Thursday the 10th of December Southend Primary and ELCC unit put on a play called ‘What a Star’ and ‘Christmas Is Forever’. ‘What A Star’ featured a small star called Leo who was bullied and laughed at because of his size, but God sent an angel who told Leo to be the star that shone above the stable where Jesus was lying in a manger full of hay. This resulted in Leo becoming the most special star of all time.

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St Mun’s Nativity

St Mubns singers 3Pupils and staff from St. Mun’s Primary School had a very busy time rehearsing for this year’s Christmas performance.
Each class took responsibility to learn and showcase a Christmas Carol after it became apparent that many of the old favourites were not familiar to younger pupils.

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Bowmore Primary P4/5 Christmas Choir

Bowmore christmas choir photo 1This term our class practised singing Christmas songs and made a Christmas Choir. We sang lots of different songs. The songs were All Around the World, Away in a Manger, The Animals in the Stable, Jingle Bells, Christmas Dinner and Merry Christmas Everyone. We went down to the brilliant Co-op to sing our songs to the happy shoppers.

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Strone Primary visit to Morrisons

Strone  Visit to Morrisons Dec 2015The P5-7 class enjoyed a look behind the scenes at Morrisons store in Dunoon, as part of their Food For Thought project. Pupils were given a tour of the food preparation areas, and found out about local produce and food journeys. They were also given a front of house experience on the check-out! Afterwards the pupils managed to fit in some carol singing to raise funds towards their residential next summer.

Christmas Party Time at Rothesay Primary

RPS Party 1Christmas Party Time at Rothesay Primary Last week was party season at Rothesay Primary and what fun we had! Primary 7 from across the island, came together in the Joint Campus to share their party; they danced the night away at this, their first transition event, as they look forward to starting S1.

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Prickly Hay at Rhunahaorine!

Rhunahaorine Prickly Hay 1Children from Rhunahaorine primary and pre 5 unit presented a performance of Prickly Hay to friends, family and the wider community last Monday. Everyone was delighted by their enthusiastic singing and energetic dancing!

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Minard and Furnace perform ‘The McTivity’

Furnace and Minard McTivityThe children of Minard and Furnace Primaries performed their version of the Nativity on Wednesday the 16th to friends and families in a packed out Minard village hall.

The show was called ‘The McTivity’ as it tells the Christmas story in Scots. The children had been studying the Scottish language and enjoyed writing stories in Scots. Finding the ‘McTivity’ to perform was a good follow up drama activity.

Bowmore’s Snowflake Sensation!

Bowmore Panto 2015Bowmore Primary School put on its annual glitzy pantomime last Thursday – it was superb! The children performed a new pantomime – The Snowflake Factory! It was the usual mixture of goodies and baddies, fighting over control of the fairy snowdust. We had the cutest P1/2 snowflakes and snowmen, we had P3 wicked witches, wizards and animals, we had P4/5 sparkly fairies and busy bakers. The P6/7 class took over the rest of the supporting cast and the main roles.

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