Category Archives: Creativity

“Lost at Sea” in Kirn

Catherine Wheels Theatre Company visited Cowal Schools at Dunoon Grammar School this week. “Lost at Sea” was a production about the scientific tracking of a shipment of rubber ducks which had fallen overboard. The play was performed in the round, and children of Toward, Kilmodan, Kirn, Strone and Strachur Primaries enjoyed a funny “out-of-the-box” dramatic experience.

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On Thursday 23rd March 2017 the pupils from Lochdonhead Primary School travelled over on the ferry to Oban to celebrate Alex’s reading for enjoyment success. She has read one million words in six months and was awarded a book of her own choice from Waterstones to celebrate. This award was generously funded by our Parent Council.
This is an amazing achievement and she has read a total of 24 sizeable books to attain this. A big ‘Thank you!’ is extended to the Parent Council for funding the trip and the award.

‘Father of the iPod’ surprises DGS Pupils with Words of Support

A class of S3 Business pupils at Dunoon Grammar school received a pleasant surprise last week when Tony Fadell – dubbed the Father of the iPod – tweeted words of encouragement for a learning experience the pupils were working on.

The pupils studying Business were working on a creative team exercise – tasked to rebrand Apple’s iconic iPod and devise an effective marketing-mix to breathe new life into the flagging sales of the once all conquering multimedia player.

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Spotify in the DGS Spotlight to celebrate International Women’s Day

Budding Business & Computing entrepreneurs from Dunoon Grammar school participated in an exclusive Question and Answer session with senior executives of the successful technology company Spotify – to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March 2017.

Spotify is a music, podcast, and video streaming service with over 100 million users across the globe

Dunoon Grammar was the only school in Scotland to take part and one of only four schools from across the UK involved in the event organised by Apps for Good.

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Hip Hop Workshop at Strone Primary School

‘On Monday 20th March M.C and David came to visit our school. David was the camera man and organiser. M.C is a hip hop artist. He was a fun person who taught us how to do hip hop dancing and street poetry. He was brilliant at it! M.C told us what RAP means. It means Rhyming American Poetry. When we did street poetry I thought I’d be bad at it but it turned out to be great fun. We went up to the hall to do some hip hop dancing which was very cool. Everyone thought it was really brilliant. I hope he comes back again.’ By Adam Smith, P6 pupil.

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Kilchrenan Primary School Spring Festival

Friday 24th March and Saturday 25th March 10.30am until 2.30pm

Please do come in and join us at Kilchrenan Village Hall

• Art Exhibition
• Craft Sale
• Refreshments
• Music
• Table Top Games
• Face painting for Red Nose Day

PLUS: Grand Easter Raffle
Tickets… Continue reading Kilchrenan Primary School Spring Festival

John Logie Baird Primary School – STEM Collaboration

The children from John Logie Baird Primary 1 and nursery have been demonstrating their skills for life while working collaboratively on STEM experiences as part of their Early Level Class.

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FilmG awards in Glasgow

film-4g-awards-in-glasgowSeo dealbh de Ruaraidh MacAlasdair agus a charaid Anna a bhuannaich an duais airson an Dealbh-beò is fheàrr aig Duaisean FilmG ann an Glaschu air Dihaoine 17mh den Ghearran. ‘S e Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid a chuir taic ri Duais Dealbh-beò na bliadhna-sa. Cuideachd, anns an dealbh, tha an Comhairliche Robin MacMhuirich à Ìle, Ceannard Poileasaidh na Gàidhlig air Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid.

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Lights Camel Action P1-P3 at Dunoon Primary

dps-nativity-1-jan-2017Christmas time was a time of great celebration for the infants P1-P3 at Dunoon Primary School as they practised for and presented the most wonderful version of ‘Lights Camel Action’! Susan McEwan produced and oversaw the whole show and what a show it was! The smiles at both the afternoon and evening showing from friends and families were indeed confirmation that the Nativity was a complete and roaring success.

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Regional Winner of the French Drama Competition

drama-2La Concours de la francophonie
Well done to the P5 class of Dunoon Primary School for winning the regional final of the French Drama competition. The class were involved in an interdisciplinary learning project about the Titanic. They then developed a French drama linked with this project and sang a traditional French song about a sailor and the sea. Their winning entry can be seen HERE . They have now been entered into the national final. We wish them every success in the next stage of the competition.

‘Lismore goes Alpine!’

lismore-goes-alpine-3To get the New Year off to a flying start Lismore Primary School had a “French Alpine Ski Week” to celebrate all things alpine and wintry! We have taken the overall theme in French of the alpine year and have a large changing display in the classroom. This week, we imagined we were all off skiing to the French Alps!

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Christmas at Barcaldine Primary School

The children of Barcaldine Primary School decided to do something a little different for our recent Christmas celebrations.
Their first job was to organise a school enterprise project. The children named themselves The BPS Elves and made wreaths and Christmas decoration from natural materials along with the glitter and sparkling ribbon! The children sold to their families, staff members and the local community and made an impressive £100 profit.

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The Pied Piper at Lochgoilhead

lochgoilhead-ps-piper-1The audience were wowed when the children of Lochgoilhead Primary School performed the play ‘The Pied Piper’ on 21st December, 2016. After the show there were mince pies and tea/coffee or juice. We also sold some Christmas crafts we had made. A total of £183 was raised for school funds. Both children and adults put in an enormous amount of work into it. The Pied Piper was a big success.
By Anna McCulloch, P6.

Strachur Christmas Concert and Party

strachur-christmas-week-8-2016The last week of term was a very busy one with our Christmas concert and Christmas party. The concert was compered by ‘Jack and Victor’ and included singing, instruments and plenty of festive frolics! All pupils helped bake mince pies for our visitors.

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Nativity at Strachur Primary and Pre-5

strachur-nativity-6-2016We are very proud of our children who took part in the nativity plays in December. We had a Pre-5 nativity and a P1-4 nativity this year. Everyone was very excited and the singing was brilliant. Some children had lines to say and they did very well. The narrators kept the story moving along and everyone enjoyed wearing their costumes and using their props. Thank you to Reverend McCulloch for having us at the church and to Sheena Dowse for filming.

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Road Safety Calendar Competition winner announced

lochnell-road-safety-competition-tara-heritage-crabb-2017-winnerThe whole of Lochnell Primary School were in attendance for an award presentation on Tuesday of this week when Tara Heritage-Crabb was announced as the winner of the 2017 Road Safety Calendar Competition. Tara, a P5 pupil, was very surprised but thrilled to be this year’s winner. Her brightly coloured picture, bearing the message ‘Wait till the red goes green’ was selected as the header for the 2017 calendar. Judging was again incredibly difficult for the Road Safety Unit who received 1,673 entries from 43 of our schools.
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Strone Primary School Christmas Show

strone-christmas-panto-1-dec-2016Pupils from Strone Primary School performed their Christmas Show ‘ Away with the Manger’ to a full house of parents, families and friends from the local community on Wednesday 14th December.
A nativity tale with a comic twist, ‘Away with the Manger’ gave the children a chance to show off their acting and singing talent, with some great comedy moments, which had the audience crying with laughter.

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Kirn Primary Brightens Up their Building Site

kirn-new-school-drawing-1Children from Kirn Primary School were invited to imagine their ideal new school playground and create a drawing to illustrate it. The best designs were chosen by the building contractor Morrisons, enlarged and are now on display on the hoardings around the building site for the new Kirn Primary School.

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