Spotify in the DGS Spotlight to celebrate International Women’s Day

Budding Business & Computing entrepreneurs from Dunoon Grammar school participated in an exclusive Question and Answer session with senior executives of the successful technology company Spotify – to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March 2017.

Spotify is a music, podcast, and video streaming service with over 100 million users across the globe

Dunoon Grammar was the only school in Scotland to take part and one of only four schools from across the UK involved in the event organised by Apps for Good.

Over 30 DGS pupils took part in the session – asking six senior executives a number of questions on a range of topics including details on the executive’s career journeys, the risk of gender discrimination in the work place and advice for would be tech entrepreneurs.

Pupils learned that gender discrimination is becoming less of an issue within the modern workplace and also acquired valuable careers guidance from the Spotify executives including advice to follow individual passions, learn to speak with other people, learn a language, learn about business and how to code.

The pupils were also intrigued to learn one of Spotify’s key philosophies – embrace and learn from failures. Do it better next time!

David Mitchell, Head Teacher of Dunoon Grammar School commented:

“The time our young technology entrepreneurs spent with the Senior Executives from Spotify was insightful and of immense value. I am confident many of those involved will take great encouragement from the discussion and act on the guidance received. I would like to thank the Spotify Senior Executives for taking time out of their busy schedules to support our young people and Apps for Good for inviting us to be involved in this special International Women’s Day event.”

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