John Logie Baird Primary School – STEM Collaboration

The children from John Logie Baird Primary 1 and nursery have been demonstrating their skills for life while working collaboratively on STEM experiences as part of their Early Level Class.

Gingerbread men had run away from the kitchen and it was our job to find them! Working together over the next few sessions the children shared ideas, planned, designed and problem solved how they could trap the gingerbread men. The final constructions consisted of a Pit Trap, House Trap, Net Trap, Sticky trap and a Falling Trap. The children then decided the best place to hide the traps, thinking back to where they had found clues!! It was decided to leave them out on Friday when the school and nursery are quiet as the Gingerbread men would be more likely to come out of their hiding places!

On Monday there was great excitement when the children checked the traps and found some trapped gingerbread men!! To add to the excitement we had a visit from ‘The Ginger Breadman’ baker Martin who very kindly gave up his time to answer questions about his job, show the children his van and bring a delivery of Gingerbread men for the children. He also brought some very tasty bread for the children to explore and taste within the JLB ELCC Bakery.

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