Category Archives: Topics

Children in need 2015 at Dunoon primary

DPS Children in Need 2015 1In Dunoon Primary, Mrs Macdonald and P7 organised a Drawing Competition, a Raffle, made Badges and Bookmarks, held a Non Uniform Day and held a Bake Sale all to raise money for Children in Need. Thanks to the fantastic support of staff, pupils, parents and friends of Dunoon Primary the amazing sum of £928.47 was raised. A huge thank you to all!

P7 Dunoon Primary School

Storytelling at Minard Primary

Minard Storyteller 1Recently Minard Primary children welcomed Mrs Linda Williamson to their school as part of their ‘Scottish Traditions’ topic. Mrs Williamson is the wife of the late Duncan Williamson, storyteller, who had connections with the area. We spent the morning listening to Linda’s stories and hearing about her life then were joined by the children from Furnace Primary and members of the community for more stories and fun. We hope to welcome Linda again soon.

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Wear to Scare for Save the Children

Salen Halloween 3The children of Salen Primary School and Pre-school held a Wear to Scare day for Halloween to raise funds for Save the Children. The children and staff came to school dressed up for the day and staged a magnificent parade in the hall. The school hall had been spookily decorated by Janny Jan for the village Halloween party organised by our lovely SWRI. It was the perfect venue for a quick parade and collection which amounted to £80.

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Salen Primary Hosts Rugby World Cup

Salen Rugby World Cup 1Five countries battled for supremacy with Ireland achieving world domination when they scooped up the prestigious Rugby World Cup at Salen Primary School.

This event was made possible with the help of Mr Gus Whyte who kindly refereed and Mrs Babs Whyte, PE Teacher. The children of Salen Primary School were joined by children from Lochdonhead Primary and Ulva Primary Schools as part of their normal PE sessions. Continue reading Salen Primary Hosts Rugby World Cup

Toward’s Tower

Towards Tower KAPLA1 2At Toward Primary we have been exploring and creating buildings, objects, and much more using a new wooden construction toy called KAPLA. We discovered KAPLA at the recent Scottish Learning Festival. KAPLA is made up of a set of 1000 identical pine blocks which makes them ideal for building many kinds of structures. You don’t need glue, screws or anything else to hold the blocks together. The blocks are held together by gravity and balance.

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Colgrain Primary Health Week

Colgrain health week wed 011Colgrain Primary enjoyed a fantastic health week, last week. Local clubs and coaches came into school to lead sessions for all pupils. Our parents kindly donated fruit for snack times and the event was rounded off with a wonderful sports quiz to raise funds for our school hall. Thank you to everyone who contributed to make our health week the success it was.

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Cowal Schools Golf Tournament

Strone and Cowal Golf TournamentCowal Primary Schools Golf Tournament took place at Blairmore and Strone Golf Club as part of Strone Primary School’s Health Week. Teams from Innellan, Toward, Sandbank, Strachur, Strone and Tighnabruaich took part in a fantastic event, organised in partnership with the golf club, Mrs Daw from Strone Primary School and Active Schools Co-ordinator Mr Andy Trull.

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Kilnartin jogging 4The children in P5-7 at Kilmartin P.S. are beginning to enjoy the benefits of running a daily mile first thing every morning. The class heads out with their teacher and carry out a few warm-up stretches before heading along the Coach Road that runs from the school to the village.

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Hermitage Primary Technology Challenge

Hermitage PS Technologies challenge 2015Bringing their interdisciplinary topic to a close, Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Wednesday 4th November.
Incorporating Technologies, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress had to be recorded in form of a booklet and a Keynote presentation.
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Authors Live at Rothesay Primary

RPS Authors 1This time round, Authors Live was all about the author Liz Pichon, who is a favourite writer at Rothesay Primary. Ever since P4 opened their book shop last year, Liz Pichon’s books about the school boy Tom Gates have been flying off the shelves – so you can imagine our excitement when we found out she would be on Authors Live! With sketch books at the ready, we listened as the author told us how to draw the characters and patterns. Liz Pichon was even wearing clothes that she had drawn on – her dress, her shoes, even her belt – she looked amazing!

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Small Schools Football Festival

Strachur PS Football FestOn Thursday 5th November Active Schools in partnership with Strachur Primary School ran a football festival for P4 and P5 pupils from the smaller primary schools within Cowal, at Strachur Park. The event was well attended with teams from Strachur, Strone, Tighnabruaich, Lochgoilhead and Kilmodan Primary Schools. The competition was based on a round robin with all the teams playing each other. The pupils were all very excited as for many this would be their first competitive football playing against other schools.
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Salen Primary School Sponsored walk

Salen PS Sponsored Walk 2Singing in the rain!

One very rainy day in September, Salen Primary School and Pre-school children cheerfully set off on their sponsored walk led by mascot Labrador, Sonny Bill, who was celebrating his 3rd birthday.

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West of Scotland ensemble championships in Kilmarnock

Lochgilphead musicFive Lochgilphead High School pupils competed in the West of Scotland ensemble championships in Kilmarnock last weekend. Jessica Tanner (trumpet), Freya Corner (trumpet), Sioned Phillips (tenor horn), Alistair Cupples (euphonium) and Gavin Johnson (tuba) competed in the under 21 class.

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St. Mun’s Pupils and Staff Have Their Voices Heard

St Muns Elections 2015 2After last Terms IDL on the Scottish Parliament, where the children of Primary 7/6 researched how a democracy works and how elections are run, the children and staff of St. Mun’s went to the polls to cast their votes on who should represent the School for the session 2015/16.

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P7’s at Kirn explore My World of Work

Kirn PS World of Work 1Kirn Primary School’s P7 pupils were invited to visit the Job Centre in Dunoon last week to learn how to develop their career skills and think about different jobs in the World of Work. Mrs Bancks, the Manager of the Job Centre had organised some thought provoking activities for everyone to take part in.

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